Diary Of A Crypto Bro’s Reality

I will start by saying that if you are a crypto bro or know any crypto bro or girlie, give them a big hug. This is because, this moment is one of the saddest times to be in crypto. One reason is because, crypto is extremely volatile, just the same way the value of your crypto holdings can increase it can go down at the same rate. This year started with huge optimism that we are going to be experiencing the bull market so lots of us went all in on crypto this year thinking the bull market would be wild and it will reward us for being an early investor. But what’s the reality now?


First your biggest crypto holding is already down more than 50% and you have stopped checking your crypto alpha telegram group because you don’t have any liquidity to keep buying the dip. If you are an influencer or a person with a telegram group with a large community filled with people relying on you for motivation or trade calls, then you know how disappointing it feels this period.

Then you come online on twitter to see what’s going on and a lot of people, especially the crypto influencers you look up to are tweeting saying crypto is dead. While you are feeling bad and hopeless on the current state of crypto and your portfolio, you have some certain group of people who are congratulating theirselves for making profit in this little bear environment because they took advantage of the dip by shorting the market. We also have some people who are also celebrating theirselves because they took profit in March/April when some coins were at their all time high, or rather when their portfolios were at all time highs, but you didn’t. The ones that took profit, have bought the dip with the profit they took in March so they have extra money to spend and go on vacation, while all you do is wish you can go on vacation too.

While you are wishing you were on vacation too, you couldn’t help but regret all those times you spent on projects that ended up disappointing you. You wish you could see the future so that you would have spent it on more valuable projects. All these results feels like you are not working hard enough meanwhile all you have been doing through out the year was work, your work laptop screen time data says it all.

While hanging out with your friends who are into web2 jobs, they tell you about the car they are about to buy with their bonus from their job and you smile and congratulate them while you are thinking of how to figure out the money to pay for the final installment of the TV console, kitchen and your parkour because you promised your wife you would do that out of excitement when your portfolio was at all time high, but you didn’t take profit so now you can’t afford it. You have cut down on most of your expenses because you can’t afford them anymore, but few months ago you were living the life and getting everything you wanted. Sometimes crypto is depressing.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Transfers of wealth always go from the many to the few, similar to a casino.
