Some strategies for getting a good night's sleep, despite having anxiety
Many people have, so to speak, an innate ability to turn into a rock when they sleep, they relax so much that they sleep deeply without realizing what is happening around them until they wake up in the morning, a conciliatory sleep with their emotions, they can have an exhausting day and come home to sleep, we would all like to do that, because although for some it is an easy task for others it is very complicated to do it.
Many people due to stress keep their mind active, leaving aside their state of relaxation that prepares them to sleep, and if this is continuous, it is possible that they are suffering from a sleep disorder such as insomnia, if on our own we cannot control this disorder, it is advisable to seek help from specialists in the field, however, many specialists recommend the following:
Establish an approximate time to sleep, many people who manage to sleep well, is due to their daily discipline to establish an approximate time to sleep day after day, some might say it is impossible because we spend time doing things, and we fail to set an approximate time to start the process of sleep, everything depends on our due planning.
Avoid making the mistake of looking at the cell phone before going to sleep, it is one of the main actions we do, especially in the dark, this makes our brain is activated, this activation will be proportional to the time devoted to the attention to the electronic device, it is advisable to turn it off or put it on silent mode, and keep it away from us, to avoid the temptation to grab it.
It is recommended that we have to feel comfortable in the space where we are going to sleep, and only we know how we can condition it, at what temperature, in total darkness, or a very low light, if possible to leave it as dark as possible.
Trying to relax the mind, although sometimes it may not seem an easy task due to any stressful situation, we must leave the worries aside in bed, for this, they recommend some techniques such as reading, writing, among others, but not in bed, the important thing is to relax mentally.
Avoid as much as possible activities other than sleeping in bed, many people spend many hours in bed doing different activities, such as watching TV, cell phone, reading, talking, among many others, try to use the bed only for sleeping or resting a short nap during the day.
Eat light, i.e., small, healthy meals, and get into the habit of eating dinner several hours before going to bed.
Interesting strategies that seek to make us fall asleep at night, maybe some of you will have others, or simply, your best strategy is to have a light sleep, to disconnect from your worries, relax your mind, and sleep like a baby.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.
Recommended Bibliographic Reference
[1] Sleep Hygiene Tips. Link