Crypto winter, is not intimidating for a large number of institutional companies willing to invest in Bitcoin

The adoption of the world of cryptocurrencies is gaining pace, that is, greater acceleration, which is why companies such as the above mentioned are dedicated to general products that somehow support the entire ecosystem of these digital assets, for example, this time this company conducted a very interesting survey, which was conducted to institutional investors, showing positive prospects for investment in BTC despite the cryptowinter.
This year 2022, has marked a route or trajectory of bearish prices for this market, despite this, many companies are still familiar with everything related to bitcoin (BTC), is that market crises are usually seen as great investment opportunities, of course, when the market has a prosperous track record, where it has overcome other crises, showing strength and mutual trust between market-investor.
According to the results of the latest survey conducted by Fidelity digital, a large number of institutional investors in Europe, Asia, and even the United States, see with pleasure the BTC ecosystem, generating in them positive expectations for investment, this type of investors (institutional), gather large capital to invest, for example, in securities, real estate, among others, may also be active companies, which decide to invest parts of their profits in other assets, such as those just mentioned.
Detailing a little more this survey, we can highlight important aspects such as, the number of companies surveyed were 1,052, and of these, 58% already have digital assets in their investment portfolios and, in addition, of the total of companies surveyed, 74% expressed their desire or intention to acquire BTC at any time, this would represent in numbers about 778 companies of the total respondents, also showed interest in other crypto assets other than BTC.
Another important fact to highlight is that most of the companies surveyed in the United States and Europe, indicated very positive views on digital assets, and of course, Bitcoin, even showing more interest than for the year 2021, where, the BTC reached its all-time high of just over 69 thousand USD, so, the period of bearish prices attracts the attention of any kind of investors.
To close, we can mention other interesting data, for example, more than 80% of high net worth investors, are those who showed the greatest interest in the adoption of investing in cryptoassets, while financial advisors likewise expressed mostly the same intention exceeding 70%, the organizational nature of these companies has allowed them a greater knowledge of the cryptocurrency market, and know the best time to invest.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.
Recommended bibliographic reference
[1] Institutional Investor Digital Assets Study. Link.