Family - The Need For Good Behavior


Today is such a peaceful day in my area, there isn't much noise and the movement of people were controlled. There is nothing like having a safe and peaceful environment where you can freely hang out alone or with friends, you can even decide to set a table and some chairs around it to sit and have your friends and your neighbors sitter to have a good time of conversation.
As for me I really love gist a lot and I enjoy all the gathering I've been to because someone somewhere must have something interesting to share in the circle.

Though over the years, I've learnt to listen more than to talk more and ever since I started living my life in such manner. It has helped me learn a lot more even academically during my school days and in the gathering of friends because it helps me organize my words very well to say something in line with topic being discussed. Meanwhile, there are still a group of guys within our circle who cannot even allow anyone finish a complete statement without interruption.


This song reminds me of my last experience in a gathering with my relatives made me laugh uncontrollably for a while though i was really annoyed with what was going on. This was what actually happened. We organized a place for all my relatives to meet, both our nuclear and extended family and on the meeting day. I was even surprised to know i had this much number of people who are related to me by blood. It was in the afternoon, the sun itself had heated up the atmosphere around us. The elderly ones among us all gathered themselves together on the front side and everyone including people who are up to 70 years or more and the youths got sitted down.


When the elders started talking all the youths kept silent as a sign of respect and understanding, just then a teenager arrived on a bike and immediately he turned off the engine he started talking from the little distance as he walk to approach our meeting place where we were sitted down. All the while I was very observant, as entered to our mist to get sitted, he told the elderly man who was giving a suggestion to the topic at hand that what he is saying is not done that way. My amazement was someone who didn’t even know the particular issue being discussed which was nkt even part of the reason for the meeting had to interrupt an elder like that without even paying attention.

The elderly man who is also my uncle cautioned the young man seriously for the interruption so he apologized to everyone for his behavior and sat down. My uncle sat down and was about to continue talking. Immediately the young man continued talking as if he was trying to contribute to the topic at hand. When this happened, I watched everyone's facial expression change as everyone's head turned to his direction uniformly. He was cautioned the second time but this time, almost all the elders did the cautioning. He apologized again with his innocent face. The elders and everyone else kept quiet for a little while looking at him because they were angry. He continued apologizing and expressing remorse.


Just as the elders and everyone else were turning their head to look at the speaker for him to continue. The young man started talking again audibly first as though he was talking to himself and trying to convince himself of the right way of doing things concerning the topic at hand. Everyone turned again in amazement, I watched their faces. This wasn't funny anymore so as we watch him he continued talking so the elders asked him the topic at hand. He spoke longer than expected trying to guess the topic from the little he has heard so far. Everyone started becoming bored and angry. The elderly men angrily told him what we were discussing on and then asked him to contribute something to it.

Immediately he started talking again to things that didn't relate to the topic that was when everyone shouted “Hugh! “ in unison. I had one of our family members shout “mkpulu mmiri” which means methamphetamine or crystal meth. I had him continue by saying it can only be what this can do. Another of my relative added by saying when they tell the youths of these days to leave drugs, they won't hear. First my uncle who took a flight with his children from London stood up and said he's going. What actually made me laugh was the kind of look I saw on his face which I've not seen before, they way he was observing the young man since his first misbehavior and also how the young man apologizes innocently like he didn't mean to interrupt.


Everyone started leaving, my uncle was the first to leave because the young man now raised his voice in a violent manner and looks ready to fight any challenger.
Before the next 30 minutes everywhere was empty except for a few people whom the young man was still talking to trying to prove his yet unproven point. He was still trying so hard to prove his point which gave me a little mental stress as I tried so hard to hear a complete statement that is in order from him. Then I stood up and walked away.
Song lyrics

As for me, I learnt my lesson to try and stay coordinated when in a great gathering of people. To avoid the abuse of drugs because we all know the young man to be sane on other days but was surprised by his actions on that day. I also learnt to respect elderly ones in a gathering and talk wisely when given the opportunity to. To be more of a listener than a talkative and above all, know when to keep silent after making my point.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.

4.018 NEOXAG