RE: Battle of Beliefs - Slander, Silencing, Diminishing
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Hey my man! I loved reading this post. You're definitely a good writer.
Okay, some initial thoughts from me. Consider this quote from Socrates (my favourite quote) -- "I am the wisest man alive, for that I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing"
I love that quote because the more I learn the more I realise I don't know shit. Haha.
Sit back, listen always, don't say much. Only to ask questions :) - you cannot debate with those that have the inability to properly debate.
The internet has done a lot of good, but it's also done a lot of bad -- in one sense it has spawned an army of people that think they're the best at debating but in reality they are shit at it. All they do is scream very loud, and if they can, silence you -- in their mind that is how to debate. You can't win against that. You just can't.
I was in this position myself at least two years ago when my entire niche went all white privilege and oppressed on me, to which I hardcore disagree with.
But I've had to practise restraint. There's no way I can argue with indoctrination -- so now I'm like okay man, you do you, awesome!
So I think your next self-development route will be restraint. And I'll admit it's the hardest thing I've had to learn. Because the internet encourages us to just say anything.
I can do restraint in real life easily. But over the internet, sometimes I bite my tongue soooo hard. lol
Something to think about.
You can't argue with stupid
And practise restraint.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Thank you for the kind words @raymondspeaks,
I love this quote too :) I've also heard it worded a little differently, as "A wise man knows that he knows nothing at all." I find there to be a great deal of truth to it. If one can fully digest the meaning, then it becomes quite clear, and almost inarguable, in my opinion.
It's a little mind boggling isn't it? I'm not sure how debate can be proper debate if a participant in the debate is not willing to learn something new or have their beliefs challenged. Sometimes it's so bad that you cannot even get an acknowledgement of any kind, and it does seem to be getting more and more common. It's like if I'm wrong about everything, and you know it all, then why are we even debating, you already have it all figured out! lol.
I remember once having a debate with a black man who told me I am a bad man for what my ancestors are responsible for, he told me that all white people are racist against black people. I scratched my head a bit and said something along the lines of "I'm not sure you see what I see, or I see what you see, but with logic like that, I'm really not sure this is a debate that will be productive in any way, shape, or form."
His attitude was basically I didn't have a good argument for him, so he wins.. I'm like ok buddy, you win, I'm a racist and responsible for what "my ancestors did".. Sometimes logic is so skewed it's not even worth trying to debate. At one point I basically told him he was being racist and didn't even realize it.
Restraint is an acquired skill I think, and I find it hard to remove emotional response to certain things. (Perhaps this is easier for some than others.)
I think you're on point, and I really appreciate your insight with this. For me the emotional response might be the hardest part, and coupled with a fast typing speed, yeah things can get heated quickly.. lol
That's an inarguable fact!!! haha. Makes me think of Ron White "You can't fix stupid." lol.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment :)
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