The witch

"I think Miranda is a witch," Sarah whispered to Selena after they suddenly woke up from their sleep when they heard Miranda talking from her sleep.

The three girls live in the same room in the school hostel, as they were merged together since their first year in the boarding high school, and now they are in their second year.

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"I've always seen her do this, but I thought I was imagining things, but now it's so real," Sarah said.

"But she doesn't do this all the time, does she?" Selena asked.

"Though not all the time, it's not frequently", Sarah replied.

Miranda heard them speaking and she woke up. "You girls are not sleeping," Miranda asked out of concern.

"We were reading," Sarah quickly replied.

"But I can't see any book in front of you," Miranda said looking surprised.

"We were done; we were just about to go to sleep when you woke up", Selena added.

"Oh! Now, so you guys read without informing me", Miranda said feeling disappointed.

"It's not that girl; we wanted you to rest since you said you were stressed during the day," Sarah said with a smile.

"Don't smile at me; I'm mad at you both," Miranda said as she turned to continue her sleep.

"Sorry baby girl, rest; we have a long day tomorrow," Selena said as she patted Miranda on the back and lay to sleep.

The next morning, the three girls dressed for school but Miranda noticed how strangely Sarah and Selena were looking at her.

"Is something wrong with my uniform?" Miranda asked feeling concerned.

"No, it's perfectly clean, sparkling clean", Sarah replied.

"I saw how you both were looking at me that's why I asked," Miranda said innocently.

"It's nothing; we were just admiring our beauty queen", Selena said with a smile.

"Abeg, let us go to the class; (please, let's go to the class) Miranda replied while laughing. "Beauty queen indeed," Miranda added.

After school hours, the three girls were in their room when Sarah decided to ask some questions.

"Miranda, have you read any books about the witches?" Sarah asked from nowhere .

"Witches, as in original witches?" Miranda asked surprisingly.

"Which ones are original witches?Witches are witches; those blood sucking witches," Selena said with a stern look.

"Oh, okay I haven't read any books on witches; you know I dislike things like that. I don't read books on witches or black ; they don't interest me," Miranda replied, wondering why Sarah asked such a question out of the blue.

"Well, I read a book and I was surprised that part of the characteristics of a witch is talking while sleeping," Sarah said.

Miranda started laughing."That's hilarious, girl; why would anyone sleep talk? It's crazy, you know," Miranda said.

"Exactly my reply when she told me about it earlier today; it's crazy; don't mind Sarah; she has been reading magic books lately," Selena replied.

"Quit reading such things for your mental health please," Miranda said as she stood up to get her books on the table.

"She laughs like a witch too," Sarah whispered into Selena's ear.

"Stop it, Sarah; she will feel bad if she hears you say that," Selena whispers back.

"Why are you guys whispering? You are planning something behind my back right?" Miranda asked as she returned to her bed.

"Not at all; let's do our assignment," Selena quickly replied.

Later that night, Miranda was fast asleep, but Sarah and Selena were still awake. They wanted to see if Miranda would talk in her sleep again, but this time she didn't say a word; she was sleeping so quietly.

"Do you think she knows we are watching her? That's why she is not talking in her sleep tonight?" Selena asked Sarah.

"I told you she was a witch," Sarah said.

"I'm sleepy, and Sarah, she is not a witch; stop calling her that, please," Selena said to Sarah.

"We shall see. Goodnight,"", Sarah said as she turned to sleep.

A few weeks later, Sarah decided to bring up the topic again as Miranda talked three times after the first one.

After school hours one afternoon while they were in their room, Sarah said, "Miranda, do you know Selena does sleep talk?"

Selena was shocked at what Sarah said, but she knew what Sarah was doing.

"Like seriously, oh! I want to hear you sleep talk one day; I wonder what you will be saying," Miranda said jokingly.

This got Selena annoyed, even though she knew Sarah was just trying to get Miranda to talk.

"Oh, sorry to burst your bubbles; I don't sleep talk; you are the one that always talks in your sleep, and Sarah called you a witch," Selena said out of anger.

"What? A witch? Was that the reason you asked me if I read or watch witch-related books and movies? You actually think I'm a witch, and for your information, I don't sleep talk," Miranda said with tears clouding her eyelids.

"I'm sorry, but you do sleep talk, and I see that to be weird. That's why I said, so I didn't mean to hurt you," Sarah said soberly.

"You girls think I am a witch? It's surprising because I don't even know I sleep talk. I need to stop that if truly I'm doing that, but as my friends, aren't you supposed to call me and tell me about it instead of tagging me as a witch?" Miranda said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I said that out of anger; I was just annoyed at your response when Sarah said I do sleep talk. You saw it as a thing of fun, and I don't want you to think I do that for real," Selena said apologetically.

"It's alright, thanks for letting me know that I do sleep talk; I would find a solution to it," Miranda said as she wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, Miranda; I didn't mean to hurt you," Sarah said as she moved sluggishly towards Miranda.

"I'm sorry, Mirry, baby; such will never happen again," Selena said as she hugged Miranda while Sarah joined them both.

"You'll help me stop talking, right?" Miranda asked.

"I think you do that when you are stressed; it's not an everyday thing," Selena said.

"Don't worry. Anytime you do that, we'll wake you up and try to help you stop," Sarah said with a smile.

"I will reduce overstressing myself during the day too; I know I can do it," Miranda said hopefully.

"We can do it, and we will do it," Selena said.

The three girls laughed out loud and hugged.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.


I'm glad the three of them sorted it out and laugh it off in the end. That's maturity.
