Splinterlands Schoolar Tips | Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge's Session. For this week challenge, we are challenged to share support article about the tips for splinterlands's schoolarship. As a former of schoolar, I want to share my sight about it !


Schoolarship System on Splinterlands

Schoolarship system is a great way for onboarding new people, with a doubt about investing on the game to enjoy the game using the schoolarship-provider NFT's with a share system of the income. With more system preventing free player to earn (we need to stake sps, and use non basic cards), there is some wall that probably cause new players think twice before investing, because they need to learn the mechanism and it required a lot of resource. There is rental system that could help people with less resource to play, but there is another option with 0 resource need, it's the schoolarship system !

There is so many schoolarship on the day this game is on it's prime, and I join one of the most popular, the NFTy. Today, I will share my experience while become the schoolar and hope it will help the reader especially the new players. Let's go !


Do's For the Schoolar

There is several tips that I think will be helpful for the schoolar on splinterlands :
#1.Read and Understand the Terms and Conditions. Since schoolar system are just like working with a company, it's very important to know the contract and it's meaning. By understanding it, you can considering the terms and your own condition, wether you think it's suitable, or not. This includes the payment, profit sharing system, and the technical condition such as battle played a day, win rate, etc;
#2.Be Responsible. This is another important aspect of being a schoolar. Since we use other people's account, we need to keep their faith. I suggest you to treat your schoolar account just like your own. Keep it safe and play it seriously. This would help the schoolar provider to provide the schoolar system on the long terms and wider for the community;
#3.Be grateful for your account. The manager might not provide the exact same resources for each account. Some doing an unpack and devide it, and of course they will not exactly the same. Be grateful for your account, and build the strategy that fit with them;
#4.Be communicative. There might be problems that comes when we play a schoolar account, and it's required a solution that might be out of our control. To solve them, we need to talk about it with the manager or the mentor with the assertive communication to find the solution;
#5.Practicing, Watch the Battle, and Keep Learning. It's always good to practice, because we can do trial and error about a strategy. We also might find inspiration from the battle, so it's very recommended to watch the replay, especially when we are losing the battles, so on next battle we can anticipate those strategy or copy them to beat the others !
#6. Spare enough time, balance your real life. While become a schoolar can help you to earn some income and enjoy the game, you need to keep the balance of your real life and keep being health physically and mentally.


Do Not's For Schoolar

Okay, we now what to do, now let's talk about what we should not do as schoolar :
#1.Just sign without reading the term and condition. This will cause chaos because you don't really know what you should and shouldn't do. The management would get tired of explaining thing as well.
#2.Violating the term and condition. It's completely sign of bad attitude to violate the term and condition that you are agreeing with the manager. Even if the management might not always checking your account, you need to keep your dignity. There is some schoolar provider that limit the ammount of account 1 person that can get, but some people are trying fake their identity to get more, which cause the schoolar program not reaching wider community just for some people to get more profit.
#3.Just playing, don't care the win or lose. Some schoolarship program offers a stable income, and cause some schoolar are don't really care about the win rate.
#4.Blaming the Account and Provider. If you don't satisfied with the account you've got, don't ever blame it and disgrace the schoolar provider. You can talk to the management if there is cards that you want to add to the account, and if they can't provide, you better chose to accept that or resign from the schoolarship. I mean no one likes their company or business got disregarded. This could cause you getting banned for the current or further program.
#5.Disconnected with the community. Community can bring many benefit such as new friend and connection. There are many information that spread within the community, so don't disconnected from the community !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope my tips can be usefull for any splinterlands schoolar out there. I also hope that you guys enjoy this post and could give another view about schoolarship of Splinterlands by put it on comment section.
Let's play splinterlands, you can start it with this link Splinterlands Official Website

Meet me on Another Hive Game-verse :
Terracore : Just click this link
WOO : Visit WOO Website Here
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here
DCity : https://dcity.io/info

Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Splinterlands Indonesia Community for makes this game even fun
Electronz and TeamPH for the solid guild
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@marianaemilia , @arcange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post
Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~y
