Splinterlands Battle of The Day | Annoying Lira Can't Touched On the Back ! Battle Against Speed Tactics

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Daily Battle Session. Some monster can be really annoying, wether it's their high speed that made them untouchable, high health and regen that makes them hard to beat, or maybe the stun that can't make our monster doing action. Today I found a match that having really annoying monster, yet it have a fatal weakness, can't attack from the front !


Battle of The Day

Here is my formation for the battle :


Rules set:


Normal : Not a normal day with no ruleset
38 mana cap: Medium high mana cap for many strategy
Splinter available : Just earth, light, and death splinter are available

My Lineup's Explanation :


As the tanker, cursed windeku is pretty strong with high health and regen ability, plus high attack and thorn ability to hurt back enemies melee monster. He also can slow enemies with -1 speed debuff

Next the Djin Muirat. I like this monster because he got solid defensive stats that supported with void armor that makes him great against magic as well, he even got the reflect magic ability to hurt the magician back ! This monster can be a solid damager as well with 3 magic damage to hurt enemies directly to their health point.

Next silence Shavii. Great damager with 4 melee damage and sneak ability, plus piercing damage to give damage even if they have armor. He also got cripple that reduce enemies max health which is effective against monster with regen ability. Another important aspect from him is his high speed which makes him can hurt enemies accurately !

Another sneaker, but this snake is having the poison ability which help a lot if the enemies got poisoned and took 2 damage each turn. With just 3 mana cost, he is a very good monster to eliminate enemies backline.

This reward monster is a great support. Despite his low health point, he can help the team on offensive with the inspire and defensively with protect. Great stuff for 4 mana cost monster.

Last is the dhampir stalker. Can be great damager with the true strike which makes him never miss. He also got 7 health to stand against enemies sneaker.


Does My Strategy is Worked ? :

If you want to watch the battle, please click the link of battle replay

The battle scene are also explained below:

At the end of 1st round, my team managed to eliminate enemies tanker with many damages for the tank, while my team still complete with 6 monster but with some hurted monster on the tank and the back.

At the end of 2nd round, my enemies lost their backline monster while my team also lose the support due to enemies assasin with opportunity ability.

3rd round started to feel like hell because my sneaker just can't hit enemies backline monster. I also lose my tank this round.

Miss and miss, enemies backline just can't get touch ! Luckily, my djin muirat can help to hurt enemies tanker. My backline monster is eliminated along with enemies front monster this round.

Another double miss from my assasin ! This drive me crazy ! Another battle on the front monster happens.

Now the table seems turned after I lost my Djin Muirat, while my assasin still can't touch enemies backline. 2 vs 3 situation for my team now.

Now my enemies lost their tanked because shavi is back to business again. Thanks for the pierce, he can eliminate enemies that having armor.

My backline is eliminated, now it's 1 vs 2.

Thanks to piercing again, my shavi are able to eliminate the enemies repairman. If he don't have the pierce, it will be a completely lose for my team. Now we know who win because it's just 1-1 situation with enemies anooying ranger.



Some monster can be very annoying, but they must have a weakness. While I can't touch enemies Lira from the Back, after eliminating his pals from the front 1 by 1, she left at the end and can't do any fight because she is a ranger that can't attack from the front. Piercing is very usefull ability to counter enemies armor repairing tactics.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this match by put it on comment section.
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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Splinterlands Indonesia Community for makes this game even fun
Electronz and TeamPH for the solid guild
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@marianaemilia , @arcange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post
Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~
