My Most Embarassing Moment | Neoxian City Writing Prompt #5


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Hello everyone, I wish you a great day. Today I would like to share my most embarassing moment for my entry to Neoxian City Writing Prompt #5. Embarassing moment could be a nightmare for someone, because things that you don't expect is happened and there is people that saw it ! I feel lucky because I could forget my embarassing moment and not having my mind feeling ashamed for a long time. But when this contest is made, i try to remember what is my most embarassing moment that ever happened to me, and my mind finally found that nightmare


It was around 7 or 8 years ago, when I was on Community Service Program of my College. I was appointed by my group to become the coordinator. Everything went well, we manage to get everything done and exceed any obstacle during our 30 days of Community Service Program on remote area .

It was our 2 last day on that village. Before we got our closing ceremonial with the villager on the last day, we were invited to join an event from a high school in there. I'm prepared to give a speech as a coordinator, and smoothly done my speech in front of the head of the high school, teachers, and students. I was so happy for that, I even got praised by my team after the event for my speech, and I could enjoy the event very much because the students prepared everything really well.

Then comes the last day, we try to prepared for our closing ceremonial, but I found my group is a bit lazy, maybe because they are tired preparing the decoration and other equipment. I feel the team not working well, i feel so burdened as i failed to motivate them and ended up trying to get everything done by my self and some teammates that still have some spirit.

And the times finally comes, around 07.00 pm, on that high school that we got the event yesterday, i found the ceremony not well prepared. Audio not ready when villagers, local figures, and village chief already on the place (and they are a little late). I feel not comfortable, and when my time to speech comes, i ruined it. I'm nervous and mistakenly wrong saying the village chief name with other person and forgot other things I want to say for that moment that should be an unforgotable great moment but turn out into a nightmare for me.

I feel ashamed that we are as a college student failed to prepared an event after we saw yesterday's event was done really well by high school students. Luckily it was our last day, so I don't have to face the villagers again because we get back on the next morning. But even that we are not there, I still feel ashamed for few days after that. I shoul've managed to coordinate my team to prepare the event well and got my speech right. But it this what it is, I tried my best to moved on and enjoy my short holiday before the class started again in 2 weeks.


Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you would like to share your embarassing moment as wel. More information about this writing prompt is here

Set 3% of beneficiary to @indonesianhiver as my support for all Indonesian hive blogger

Hive for the very useful community platform
Neoxiancity for the cool frontend and the contest
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
All curators for the upvotes
Canva for the free photoshop and images

~Thank You~

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I can totally inderstand that you felt embarassed especially after the first time your own expectations were set high. However as we are humans these embarassing moments can pop up any time. They are often out of our control. You left the following day but I am sure that you learnt some good lessons and will probably changed how things are coordinated next time.

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0.001 NEOXAG

thank you, lesson learned. Yeah, bad things happened someday, and expectation to others sometimes kills you 😅

0.000 NEOXAG

That must have been really embarrassing, mixing up your speech like that. Good thing you guys left the following morning and did not get to face those people again.

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Yeah, i was so nervous, especially after that mistakes, and I'm sure people could see that too

At lest I don't have to bear that embarassed feeling by meeting the villagers haha

0.000 NEOXAG

Embarrassing moment can happen anytime and sometimes, we can't control it. I can imagine how embarrassed you felt on that day mixing up your speech but you know what? We learn by our mistakes.

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yeah, experience is the best teacher, As long as we take the lesson, there is no bad experience

0.000 NEOXAG

Awww I can't imagine how ashamed you did feel that day
When I was little I have such experience too when I have practice my speech in my mom's church anniversary and when it was time to give my own speech I couldn't find my line.

0.000 NEOXAG

bad things happened and we just have to learn and move on, right ? :)

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