My Genesis league Soccer Progress | More Rating, Staked GLX, and Updates on Current Tournament Result
Ranked/ Compete Progress
I keep climbing up on the compete battle, with currently sit with 1269 rating after manage to play 69 games and win 44 matches, get 12 draw and took 13 loses. My fans is growing as well into 2912, and most importantly is my team synergy and player's level is increased as well ! Because with higher level, player's hard stats will improved without cost more roster point !
Higher Rating need Higher Stake
Just like we did on Splinterlands, with higher rating, it would be essencials to get more staking GLX. This is because the multiplier of reward could be increase, so we could earn more with the same time spent. Since I am on 1269 rating, I aim for the 7x of 1400 rating which is 11,063 staked GLX
I try to bought 3000 GLX from the market to make it past 11000.
Stake them and get 11,520 GLX on my staked GLX balance
GLX Tournament Progress
The tournament makes a lot of progress because some matches already played.
For global tier, I only managed to get a ties, and the rest is losing 😂
As a newbie, there is huge gap on player's level on my team and my enemies team, which makes it very hard for me yet to compete. There is 2 win points, because my enemy is eliminated from the tourney 😂
This put me on 9th position on the global tier tournament
Meanwhile for the local tier, I sit on 6th position. But actually this is because some people still haven't got their match yet. I actually play 3 games and lose them all. Once again, the level gap is the problem in my opinion. That is why I really need to keep playing compete match to gain more xp for my players !
No need to sad, because I could still get some rewards from global tournament since the reward will go till the 10th position ! Lucky that 1 is eliminated 😂
My Next Target
I need to level up my players in order to compete against the other, so I will keep pushing on my competition play, and hopefully get more win and more rating for higher reward ! I also realize we could manage 2 teams with same stake GLX, so I have plan to get my 2nd team soon. I will try to get some packs and build another team !
Final Words
Here is the link if you are interested to play this game as well !
PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!
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Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here
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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive
Genesis League Goals for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name
~Thank You~