More than 5000 Zing Staked Now | Let's keep rolling !

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Despite crypto market is currently on low period, I personally still hoping for a games, that have the enjoyable gameplay. Holozing is becoming the most anticipated games on hive with the interesting pokemon-like gameplay and backed with trusted person in Hive. While waiting the game to launch, we can prepare with getting enough zing token for future use, and I'm glad to meet my 4rd milestone with more than 5k zing staked right now. Let's see how it goes !


How to Get Zing Token

As I've mentioned, zing token will have it's utility once the game launch, and we can bulk some of them before it's launch and the price might rise. The question now, how can we get the token beside buy it from the market ?

First is by staking the Zing coin itself. It's been a popular way on any blockchain to stake and earn. The APR for zing staking action is currently at 25.63% ! I'm a bit suprised because the last time I posted, it was just around 14% . Does anyone knows the reason of this APR spike ?

Despite the high APR, I want to remind you that we need to consider few things here :
1.Unstaking period, which takes 28 days on 4 times unstaked progress (25% will unstaked each week);
2.Token price fluctuation, with more coin is on the circulation.

The second way is by delegating hive power (HP). For you that actively writing on hive, you will getting 50% of your rewards as hive power by default (you change them, but i recommend to keep the 50% for growing your account). You can use those HP to get more curation power and curation reward, or you can simply delegate them to earn more zing token. The APR for delegating Hive Power is on 14%, which will be more than the curation reward (except you want more than just the APR of curation).


Last is by Liquidity Pool (LP) which still leading with 31.5% of APR. Honestly, I don't really understand about the LP and it's impermanent loss risk, so do your own research 😆
The APR already dropped around 5% since my last post. Does that mean more people are join the LP ?



My 4th milestone, 5k Zing Staked


I finally able to stake more than 5k Zing, which worth around 12.6 hive based on current bid price at the hive engine.
I'm happy to keep growing . My next target is 6K, and I don't have any unstaking plans, at least until the game launch. When the game launch, the token should having more demand for the game use, and we will see how it's worth later.

Anyway, I just realize we got new things on the site, which is collection reward.


I got my 2023 advent calendar and already claim the nft. I don't know yet what's the use of this NFT yet, since I'm very busy lately to do a research.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post. Do you invest on Zing as well ? Please let me know by put it on comment section!

Note : This is Not a Financial Advice and I'm Not an Advisor. DYOR before investing on anywere!

Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as my support to fellow Indonesian writer on hive and 10% to the zing community.

Meet me on another hive game-verse :
WOO : Visit WOO Website Here
Terracore : Just click this link
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here

I also had many active giveaway with each edition of Splinterlands Cards as rewards ! Reach it on my blog !

Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@arcange for keep supporting my post
@oadissin for reblogging my post
Canva and for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~ Thank You ~


Congratulations bro👍 Getting there/
