Learn True Power of Cleanse Rearguard Ability ! Splinterlands Social Media Challenge

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Session. New ability sometimes cause a misunderstanding, because the explanation are not clear enough, or we are not read it carefully and cause a miss perception. Experiences from battles could grant us the complete information about an ability, and today I learned the true use of the cleanse rearguard. Let's check it out !


Cleanse Rearguard, The New Anti Debuff for Backline


Here is the explanation of the cleanse rearguard ability. Cleanse the last allied backline unit with a magic debuff. Refer to the normal cleanse, I thought it will only give the cleanse effect for the very last unit, same as the cleanse that only help the very front monster. With this perception, there will be 1 unit can be cleansed except that monster is eliminated and their position is changed. I haven't got enough match with noxious fumes to try this ability, and found the match ended up too early to know it's true use. But now, I learned more about this ruleset.


Cleanse Rearguard will Cleanse the Backline 1 by 1, Even If The Cleansed Monster Before is Still Alive !

I just learned about this after found the match that left me with long enough round on the noxious fumes ruleset. You can check the battle on the link https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_8499c550b97f6401eff1210fb34d8c3a . I will share some screen capture of the cleanse rearguard effect from the battlefield!

First use of the cleanse rearguard is given to my Tinderlock, which stand by on the back for the last stand use on the final battle.

Here is the second use of the cleanse rearguard that is given to the sanctus vicar itself. With this, I learned that even the back monster still alive, the cleanse rearguard will find another monster next to it that having a negative debuff.


And now for the 3rd use of cleanse rearguard. It's given even for the monster that located in front of the sanctus vicar. This give my team all cleanse from the poison effect. Such a usefull ability ! The only things that I still don't know is if the back monster got debuff again, I think it will re cleanse the monster starting from the back again.



The use of cleanse rearguard are not limited into just monster on the very back position. It can cleanse the next monster on the back after the most back monster is cleansed, and go until the 2nd position monster. This mean that the cleanse rearguard can give the cleanse effect up to 5 monster on the back position !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about the cleanse rearguard ability by put it on comment section.
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