1st Chest Opening this Year with Some Epic Cards | Splinterlands Socmed Challenge
60 Major Chest Opening
I usually go for 50 chest, but today I decide to get 60 major chest instead cause I got more glint, and this event cost me 60,000 glint.
I use all the potions possible. There are many legendary potions and only 7 alchemy potions. Let's hope there is something special on the chest !
First 10 chest only contains 1 cards, the Giant Alpine Skink with regular foil of it at 3 bcx. I got lots of merits here, with 14 alchemy potion, 4 legendary potions, and 4 energy.
Next 10 unpack get me a gold foil cards, the tokatag conscript ! Not so bad, there is another common cards as well, with many merits again.
Now here comes my first epic fire cards, with 2 bcx of it, followed with some common cards, potions, and 741 merits.
Nothing special, as 2 giant alpine skink and 4 mar toren trader is appeared. There is some potions, merits, and 3 energy as well.
Here comes another epic cards ! I got 2 bcx of arachne weaver, followed with many common cards, potions, and 407 merits.
Last pull, another epic cards ! Now it's shock trooper comes with 2 regular foil of it. I also got 5 bcx of rare cards, and 5 bcx of common cards, followed with potions, and some merits.
Try Counting It's Worth
As always, I loved to valuating the chest worth by compared it with the rarity chest price. Only for the cards because they are what I used to buy.
5 bcs Giant Alpine Skink = common
7 bcx Mar Toren Trader = common
15 bcx Broken Earth Thug = common
2 Tokatag Conscript = common / GF
9 bcx Ujurak Brave = common
5 bcx Blackhood Wild Elf = common
2 bcx Kha'zi Conjurer = Epic
5 bcs Drybone Hobgoblin = common
6 bcx Chaos Evoker = common
2 bcx Nimblebook Explorer = common
2 bcx Aracne Weaver = Epic
2 bcx Shock Trooper = Epic
5 bcx Commander Slade = Rare
5 bcx Ujurak Elder = Common
So in total, I got 6 bcx of Epic cards, 5 rare cards, and 61 common cards.
If we use the pack cost, It will cost 45,000 glint for the epic card, 3,750 glint for the rare, and 9,150 glint for the common cards. So in total, I got cards worth around 57,900 glint. Overall, It's not so bad pull with the worth nearly reach the total if we get the rarity packs, it's because we got lot of things beside the cards, such as potions, energy, and merits !
Uprading Time
With more cards owned, I want to add more power to my deck on the battlefield. So I decide to upgrade all cards possible after this unpack.
First there is broken earth thug that can be upgraded into 4th level.
This monster is having cripply ability now, which is quite good to reduce the regen enemies.
Next there is Ujurak Brave, which can be upgraded into 4th level.
He got silence ability which is usefull against the magician.
Next the chaos evoker that can be upgraded into 3rd level.
She gain more health points to help her survive.
Next there is drybone hobgoblin that can be upgraded into 3rd level.
Next there is giant alpine skink that can be upgraded into 4th level.
He got more speed to compete on the speed battle.
Next, there is Mar Toren Traded that can be upgraded into 4th level.
She got headwinds ability which is great for the range battle.
Next there is Blackmoor Wild Elf that can be upgraded into 4th level as well.
She got 1 more speed, no major upgrade.
Now there s luceheim demon that can be upgraded into 4th level.
He got 1 more armor after getting cleanse ability at 3rd level.
Next there is the Gold Foil Tokatag that can be upgraded into 4th level.
She got 1 more health to support the thorns against enemies melee sneakers
Last there is the Gold Foil Ujurak Elder that can be upgraded into 4th level.
This monster got 1 health addition to help it survive, because he got very low health points.
Upcoming Target
I'm happy with some epic cards addition and I will keep grinding then get another chest and it's reward inside. My target is to get another epic and legendary monsters cause their rarity packs is quite expensive, so get them via the chest is a great option.
Final Words
If you haven't play #Splinterland (the greatest battle card game), you can start join this #Play2Earn game using
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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive
@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Splinterlands Indonesia Community for makes this game even fun
Electronz and Immortal Phoenix for the solid guild
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@oadissin for reblogging my post
Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name
~Thank You~
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar