En la playa Bacuranao🌊🏖 (ESP/ENG)
Greetings friends. Last Saturday I went for a walk in the area of the eastern beaches of Havana, specifically Bacuranao beach, one of the most visited by nationals and foreigners for leisure and recreation.

Ese día fue un día muy soleado y sofocante, ideal para tomar un buen baño en las aguas del mar en la playa, las cuales se mostraban de un color azul muy hermoso, precedidas por una berma de arena blanca, en la cual los visitantes se deleitaban de la belleza del litoral, y con un cielo azul adornado por un hermoso halo solar.
That day was a very sunny and sultry day, ideal for a good swim in the sea waters of the beach, which were a beautiful blue color, preceded by a berm of white sand, where visitors were delighted with the beauty of the coastline, and with a blue sky adorned by a beautiful solar halo.

Por mi parte, no me bañé en el mar, pero el solo hecho de andar por la playa caminando y disfrutando del paisaje y del agradable entorno del lugar, hizo que fuera para mi una agradable experiencia y un momento de relajación y sano disfrute.
For my part, I did not swim in the sea, but the mere fact of walking along the beach and enjoying the scenery and the pleasant surroundings of the place, made it for me a pleasant experience and a moment of relaxation and healthy enjoyment.

The beach will always be my favorite place to be. I have always enjoyed it there. You have taken awesome photos my friend. Enjoy your stay there.
Thank you very much friend!! Best regards🙌
The place is beautiful for a public beach.😊