The Walker Art Gallery - Oriental Garden, Kyoto (by Bruce McLean) - Art Appreciation and Haiku #8
rose Momiji maple leaves
hang by bamboo ghosts.
The Painting 'Oriental Garden, Kyoto', Abstract at its Best
I'm not the greatest fan of modern art, and am much more often drawn to works inspired by mythology as with my recent art appreciation post about the painting Echo and Narcissus (by John William Waterhouse).
I guess it is the writer in me. The mythology fascinates me, and provides a fertile source of inspiration as a fantasy fiction writer. But, I think I'm reasonably open minded, and when I saw Bruce McLean's 'Oriental Garden, Kyoto' it pulled me in and had me stood for at least 5 minutes just staring at it drinking in memories of Japanese gardens I have visited.

The artist painted this piece after a visit to Japan in 1982, and in his own words describes the painting as "a painting of a Japanese ornamental garden, painted almost the same size as an actual garden. A celebration of big fish in small ponds."
This quote is typical of this artists humour and irreverence, as well as a willingness to experiment and hold a lens up to some of the pretentions of the art world.
As far as I was concerned, as someone who isn't usually attracted by abstract paintings this surprised me, and reminded me that you can always have your mind changed when something resonates with you. As soon as I saw the painting it reminded me of a Japanese garden, even prior to reading the small cards that give some small information about the artist and painting near to the base of each art work.
A History of Bruce McLean, Artistic Influences and Disciplines
Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1944, Bruce McLean is known as both an eclectic and provocative artist, who works in a variety of media and styles to produce his pieces. He has created sculptures, paintings, performance art and works of printmaking. The sculptures he makes often use unconventional materials, such as fiberglass, and are often designed to be interactive.
A good example of one of his public sculptures that is seen by millions daily is the Eye-i metal sculpture in Bishopsgate, Central London.
In his performance art McLean is noted for his use of humour and satire, employing absurdity to comment on society, human nature and the art world. This can be seen in his early performance art pieces, such as 'Pose Work for Plinths' (1971), where he posed as a sculpture on a plinth mocking the idea of art as something sacrosanct, or unchanging.
My favourite aspect of McLean's work is his Garden Paintings. He depicting gardens using abstract shapes and colours. I guess even in the world of modern art I am a traditionalist, and if I'm completely honest I'm not a great fan of much modern art. His picture in The Walker Art Gallery caught my eye though, as I once worked at a Liverpool park called Festival Gardens which is known for it's traditional Japanese garden, originally designed by a landscaper from Japan.
The painting caught my eye, and attention, because I felt that expression, even though (for me) in a very abstract style, of a Japanese garden. It reminded me immediately of my daily working in and around the Japanese garden at the festival gardens site.
McLean's work has been exhibited in many galleries and museums, including the Tate Gallery in London, the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and The Walker Art Gallery.
The Walker Art Gallery
I recently visited the Walker Art Gallery with my girlfriend. During the three hours we spent there I took many pictures and wrote Haiku poems inspired by the art that had grabbed my attention.
Art galleries have a strange effect on me. I always find myself drawn into a meditative place by the gallery's quiet and the art's impact.
I am always this way in any gallery... names don't impress me. I could walk past a Picasso (although I do like Picasso) to sit and write in response to an unknown artist's work if it caught my eye and senses. I find it hard to explain, but it is like a force that draws me to certain paintings.
Although I was drawn to some of the world-famous works that the gallery holds, such as the Pre Raphelite, 'Echo and Narcissus' by John William Waterhouse, my eye was also drawn to the painting 'Oriental Garden, Kyoto' (by Bruce McLean) pictured above, which won the 14th Liverpool John Moores University painting prize in 1985.
If you are visiting Liverpool I fully recommend you visit the Walker Art Gallery (the link takes you to a Google Maps location of the gallery).
Whether you're looking for world-famous artists' original oil on canvas paintings - or fancy checking out some more modern art (as they host the Liverpool John Moores Art Prize Collection) - there is something for every art lover.
Thanks for reading 🙂🌿

To read more about the aesthetics of true haiku, and the difference between haiku and senryu, please check out my post: Haiku Vs Senryu - The Aesthetics of Form
All images in this post are my own property, taken at The Walker Art Gallery.
Camera used - Samsung S7 Smartphone
If you have enjoyed this Haiku, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar content.
I would like to give a big shout-out to @stickupcurator (and @stickupboys) for their amazing contribution to supporting music, art, imaginative writing, and all things creative on hive. If you haven't already, you should go check out their account for music, crypto podcasts and much much more 🙂👍
If you have enjoyed this post you can check out my other work on my homepage @raj808.

The only art museum I can recall going to was the Dali museum in St. Petersburg Florida. During that time they had the Queen Of Hearts on loan from the owner. There were many melted time piece pieces but I have to say my favorite piece of Dali art was The Columbus. I love how he made images inside of images. !PIMP
Hi wanderingmoon 👋
I love Dali, especially his more 'out there' fantasy style surreal works such as The Temptation of St. Anthony.
A whole exhibit dedicated to Salvador Dalí... what a treat 🙂
It was more than thirty years ago. I do not even know if that museum is still around. It would be a shame if it wasn't.