The above rose is one from a miniature rose plant that I bought for my wife last year. I had some insect problems so I have moved all my miniature roses into my garage for the winter. It does not freeze in the garage, but it stays cold enough that I am hoping they remain dormant until spring. When the weather warms I am thinking of planting them in the ground or a larger pot. I could bring a larger pot into the garage in the fall, like I do my Dahlias. First we shall see if they survive the winter.
La rosa de arriba es una de las plantas de rosas en miniatura que compré para mi esposa el año pasado. Tuve algunos problemas de insectos, así que trasladé todas mis rosas miniatura a mi garaje para el invierno. No se congelan en el garaje, pero permanecen lo suficientemente frías como para esperar a que se queden dormidas hasta la primavera. Cuando el clima se calienta, pienso en plantarlas en la tierra o en una maceta más grande. Podría llevar una maceta más grande al garaje en otoño, como hago con mis dalias. Primero veremos si sobreviven al invierno.
I am going to focus in on some photography of flowers and then add more on micro-greens this week. I have been too preoccupied with issues at home this week to go into other topics. Working with my photographs helps keep my mind focused on something very pleasant.
Some seemed to enjoy the information on micro-greens, so I have continued with more photographs and hopefully more information. I continue eating micro-greens daily and thus have to keep planting.
Me voy a centrar en algunas fotografías de flores y luego añadir más sobre los micro-verdes esta semana. He estado demasiado preocupada con los temas en casa esta semana para entrar en otros temas. Trabajar con mis fotografías me ayuda a mantener mi mente enfocada en algo muy agradable.
Algunos parecían disfrutar de la información sobre los micro-verdes, así que he continuado con más fotografías y espero que más información. Continúo comiendo micro-verdes diariamente y por lo tanto tengo que seguir plantando.
I am not sure what flower this first one is. It is one photograph of hundreds I took last summer at Manito Gardens in Spokane, Washington.
No estoy seguro de qué flor es la primera. Es una fotografía de cientos que tomé el verano pasado en Manito Gardens en Spokane, Washington.
This next flower looks to be a black-eyed daisy (I have always known it as a black-eyed Susan). I have a few growing wild on my property.
La siguiente flor parece ser una margarita de ojos negros (siempre la he conocido como Susan de ojos negros). Tengo unas cuantas creciendo en forma silvestre en mi propiedad.
I took this next photograph last summer at my daughter’s home. I was fascinated with the shape of this piece of driftwood.
Tomé esta siguiente fotografía el verano pasado en la casa de mi hija. Me fascinó la forma de este pedazo de madera flotante.
I have been using the camera on my phone to take these photographs. I was having difficulty getting a good focus with my Cannon and will need to try a different lens. Some of these photos are not as clear as I would like them to be.
Last week I showed the planting of peas and broccoli. I took photos of the same trays to show the growth during the week. I will try and get some photos as they reach harvest time this week.
I also mentioned putting weight on top the stack of trays. I had read that it helps make the plants stronger, and helps push off the hulls for some micro-greens. It did work for the broccoli, although there is not a hull issue with pea greens. After I published last weekend i was watching a YouTube video and a commercial grower was discussing using weight on her trays of seeds. She used much more weight than I was. I seeded more micro-greens this past week, and used more weight. We will see how this turns out.
He estado usando la cámara de mi teléfono para tomar estas fotografías. Tenía dificultades para conseguir un buen enfoque con mi cañón y necesitaré probar un lente diferente. Algunas de estas fotos no son tan claras como me gustaría que fueran.
La semana pasada mostré la plantación de guisantes y brócoli. Tomé fotos de las mismas bandejas para mostrar el crecimiento durante la semana. Trataré de obtener algunas fotos cuando lleguen a la época de la cosecha esta semana.
También mencioné poner peso encima de la pila de bandejas. Había leído que ayuda a hacer las plantas más fuertes, y ayuda a empujar los cascos para algunos micro-verdes. Funcionó para el brócoli, aunque no hay un problema de cascos con los guisantes verdes. Después de que publiqué el fin de semana pasado estuve viendo un video de YouTube y un cultivador comercial estaba discutiendo el uso del peso en sus bandejas de semillas. Ella usó mucho más peso que yo. Yo sembré más micro-verduras esta semana pasada, y usé más peso. Veremos cómo resulta esto.
Here is the broccoli seeds just sprouting after a couple of days, followed by a photo a few days after that:
Aquí están las semillas de brócoli que acaban de brotar después de un par de días, seguidas de una foto unos días después de eso:
This next photograph shows the peas when I first took the weight off of them. I will follow-up with more photos of the pea’s progress. These shoots taste like fresh peas and are wonderful in a salad.
La siguiente fotografía muestra los guisantes cuando les quité el peso por primera vez. Seguiré con más fotos del progreso de los guisantes. Estos brotes saben a guisantes frescos y son maravillosos en una ensalada.
I wanted to share this photo of sunflower shoots that I started harvesting. As you can see in the photo the first true leaves are just starting. Their flavor at this stage or a little younger is of a sunflower seed. Very delicious. I have a tray seeded and will share photos in my next publication. I will keep working on getting better photographs of the micro-greens.
Quería compartir esta foto de brotes de girasol que empecé a cosechar. Como podéis ver en la foto las primeras hojas verdaderas están empezando. Su sabor en esta etapa o un poco más joven es de una semilla de girasol. Muy delicioso. Tengo una bandeja con semillas y compartiré las fotos en mi próxima publicación. Seguiré trabajando para conseguir mejores fotografías de los micro-verdes.
This last photo is of a mixture of micro-greens that I had with a meal. Many times I do not add a dressing to the salad, instead focusing on the flavors of the different micro-greens:
Esta última foto es de una mezcla de micro-verdes que tomé con una comida. Muchas veces no agrego un aderezo a la ensalada, sino que me concentro en los sabores de los diferentes micro-verdes:
When I am seeding I do not cover the smaller seeds. I press them into moist soil and then spray them with a little more water. I place another tray on top of it, plus add weight. The larger seeds like peas and sunflowers I cover them with soil and then stack the trays and add weight to the top. I will continue experimenting with different weights to determine what will be a good weight to use.
Cuando estoy sembrando no cubro las semillas más pequeñas. Las presiono en la tierra húmeda y luego las rocío con un poco más de agua. Coloco otra bandeja encima, y añado peso. Las semillas más grandes, como los guisantes y los girasoles, las cubro con tierra y luego apilo las bandejas y añado peso a la parte superior. Continuaré experimentando con diferentes pesos para determinar cuál será un buen peso para usar.
This brings us to a close of this weeks publication. I trust that you find at least one thing you enjoy from my post. I will continue with the micro-green topic in future publications.
I am researching a topic for next weekends post, but want to make sure I really understand it before sharing it with you.
Until next weekend, I hope all have a great week.
Esto nos lleva al cierre de la publicación de esta semana. Confío en que encuentre al menos una cosa que disfrute de mi publicación. Continuaré con el tema micro-verde en futuras publicaciones.
Estoy investigando un tema para el post del próximo fin de semana, pero quiero asegurarme de que realmente lo entiendo antes de compartirlo con ustedes.
Hasta el próximo fin de semana, espero que todos tengan una gran semana.
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Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Wonderful photos have a greet weekend
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Gorgeous flower
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Very beautiful flowers photography my dear. I love photography ❤️, and your every post and photography i respect it...
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Una hermosa publicación para compartir con todos. @r2cornell
A beautiful post to share with everyone. @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Interesantes fotografías, y gracias por la información, hay datos que
son de utilidad en el cultivo de algunas especies vegetales que usted
suministra. La rosa engalana su post, muy hermosa.
Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
very nice photography my dear friend
Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
I really like black-eyed daisies. it's very beautiful and looks very bright. You grow a lot of peas. in my opinion you are a person who really loves plants.
Thank you very much. It looks like a lot of peas, but with micro-greens you harvest them small. The are harvested usually around 3 - 4 inches (7.62 - 10.16 centimeters). That is when the green shoots have the most nutrition.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Beautiful as ever your publications. Beautiful miniature rose, those buds I'll try someday. What a great job you do. A hug, congratulations on all your knowledge @r2cornell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Another aspiration. Such a great artist. 😊😊 Too happy to see another person who loves flowers and also writing, not to mention a man, blending hobby and passion together.
Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
you're most welcome @r2cornell 😊😊 sorry for the late response .. been so busy for days, I just had the time to read replies and comments today for I opt to have a break from work.
Mawar yang sangat indah..
Terima kasih.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Wow such an amazing collection of photographs. I always love to see you posts and wait for weekend. Love you and your photography skills.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Those are just wonderful photographs. Thanks for sharing this and may you have a great week ahead!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. Have a great weekend yourself.
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Keep up the great work!
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Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Beautiful Red Rose. Friends Red Rose is the symbol of love. So it is the best gift for your life partner. Thanks for your post & sharing with friends. Wish your good luck.
Thank you very much.
excellent progress over the week this looks nice :)
Thank you.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Thank you very much.
Wow Excellent Photography. it is great work and looking.

Thanks sir
Have a nice day
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Thank you very much. I love this piece and had to get a photo last summer.
This is a very beautiful rose bud, and your greens will blossom like a real storehouse of vitamins. Absolutely environmentally friendly product. Thanks, very interesting.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Thank you very much. I am happy you liked.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Your post has been manually curated by FreeVoter Team.You can earn liquid steem by delegating SP to @freevoter !! We are now paying 100% daily earnings and 90% Curation reward and ESTM & Dlike token to our delegators !! Join Discord for more information. Thank you !!
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Greetings sir @r2cornell. Another great photographic weekend. I always enjoy your photographic magic. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Wonderful post Grandpa.
Thank you hon.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Great post @r2cornell and thanks for supporting small communities.
@tipu curate 3
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/20 - need recharge?)
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Beautiful flowers sir

Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Nos gustó mucho la fotografía de la rosa. En cuanto a los microverdes, la vemos como una excelente estrategia alimentaria, comer fresco y sano con productos cultivados en casa.
Gracias por esta publicación @r2cornell
Muchas gracias. Me alegro de que te haya gustado la rosa. En cuanto a los micro-verduras para tener verdes frescos durante nuestros nevados meses de invierno es una manera de comer bien y ahorrar dinero. Es mucho más rápido que el cultivo hidropónico, aunque me gustan algunas cosas que se cultivan de esa manera.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Me encantan tus fotografias, me llamó mucho la atención ésta./ I love your pictures, it really caught my attention
Se ve como una extraña flor.
Y gracias por los micro-cultivos. Intentaré algunos y enviaré las fotografías, @r2cornell
It looks like a strange flower.
And thanks for the micro-crops. I will try some and send the pictures, @ r2cornell
Thank you very much. I agree on what you said about the photo. Quite amazing what nature can do.
I look forward to hearing how it goes for you with micro-greens. I need to seed more today.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Discúlpame. No había leído tu comentario. @r2cornell.
Te agradezco mucho que me respondiste y vi tus bandejas en tu nueva publicación.
Prometo publicar las fotografias.
Very lovely flower..❤️
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Flowers photo is very beautiful ...

Thank you very much. I got a lucky snap with they yellow flower appearing as a reflection. I would like to say I planned it, but that is not the case. I get lucky quite often when taking photos.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Hello @r2cornell Sir...

Very amazing photography...
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
some amazing work you have done this is incredible 😊
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Rose is Symbol of love,,i love rose
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
I'm not such an amante of flowers sin embargo estas fotos fueron de mi total agrado. Me perdí unos minutos contemplando el Girasol. Saludos.
Saludos. Gracias por visitarnos y comentarnos.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
Incredible photos
Thank you.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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