Neoxian : I'm back with photography


It's been a long time since I left this blog page of mine, and some time ago I was surprised to meet someone I didn't know before, and at that time I accidentally mentioned hive blogs, and someone spontaneously beside me heard and listened after I finished talking with another friend, that person came up to me and asked what I meant by hive blog, and briefly I helped introduce it even though I had been in a vacuum for a while at that time, and because of that person's determination I shared a little of my strength so that he could write well, not much strength what I can share for him is only 10 $ hive, and I lend it after he has enough I will take back, because I also want to write again at this time.

Tonight the atmosphere is mourning where it is pitch black that I feel, in my area the lights are turning off, and the rain has just subsided or maybe it was natural factors last night.

In Indonesia, Aceh isn't as good as there are out there, but there are a few places I haven't been to, and I'd love if I had the time and a little money to write this, I'd share my experiences with all of you in the #TheCityofNeoxian community.

For tonight I just talked a little and shared my macro camera capture with friends here, I hope that friends like it. Let friends see what I share with you all tonight.

It's been a very long time I haven't worn a cell phone lens and while I took some attack poses with fear and quiver and some of these results, I hope you like it









Of the two types that I share, they live among the dry weeds, and are also seen resting and hanging on the dry weeds.

good luck for the new friend @tulipmerah, good luck with your work on hoveblog.

Power Up

Categorypotret lanscip photography
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