Another day to listen to Brother Eli soriano teaching of whom God has been greatly using to bless and to enrich us with his word.
Without us been told as God's children we are supposed to know that things which are in the world didn't just come out on its own that it was specifically created by God almighty our creator in thesame way through which we found ourselves here on earth.
Therefore we were might to understand that everything that's was created was done by God and in as much as we know that. We must accord and believe in our creator trusting in his word and rightfully abiding to his teachings.
God's word according to the book of Romans 1:19-20
Everything In this life proves that God's exist, the creation of man and everything that is here on earth should prove to us that God truely exist.
We can prove God's existence through the beauty of His creations.
Which we are the beauty to behold of Gods creation