Topic Review On How To Overcome Doubts And Anxieties part 3 of 3
Our topic review continues on how we can overcome doubts and anxieties of which Brother Eli made us understand that peace of God is the hope of our Christianity and we should not allow it to be taken away from us through anxiety and worries when we have the peace of God we've a sound mind that can process anything and that is why the enemy will do anything just for that peace to be gone
The world we live in is evil a lot of battles are going on against the children of God which we cannot overcome by anxiety worrying fear or doubt it is only in the power of God that we can be save He is the only one that can protect us from the evils of this time His protection keeps our mind and heart free from anxieties and all tribulations of the world the bible in Matthew 6:27 we understand that even our worrying cannot save us our anxiety cannot help us achieve that desired goal neither can worry or doubt help us either
Rather they stand in our way of success just like brother Eli said no amount of worrying or anxiety can add a little span to our life so why choose to worry
But the privilege we have as christian is the peace that passes all understanding that Christ has given unto us that is our most valuable resources as children of God but for us to access this peace we must have faith in God we must trust him to help us in the most difficult situation we must believe in the reality of his name and in the capability of what he can for us in 1 Peter 5:7 He said we should cast our fears on him like His ready to bear our burden you know why because He cares for us he loves us He gave His only son to us that is to show the extent to which He love us and He is ready to give anything for us all God needs from us is trust believe He can and He will just have faith in Christ and secure everlasting peace
Hallelujah Amen
We can overcome doubt and anxiety if we look up to God
That's true sis
You're right sis