Topic Review On How Can We Overcome Our Doubts And Anxieties (part 1)


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Teaching review on how we can overcome our doubts and anxieties
Anxieties is the act of worrying and having the feeling of fear and uncertainty that has the ability of putting us down and doubt can disorganise our hope of living when we allow anxiety and fear to creep I to us is goes a very long way in affecting our being mentally emotionally physically and even spiritual and this can affect our progress in life
bro Eli in his teaching made us to understand that we don't have the ability to overcome this anxieties and doubt rather we need to depend on the help of God if we don't allow God to help us we would be in disarray our mind might stop focusing on the right thing


It is the the working of the Lord to overcome our anxiety from Philippians 4:6 the bible said we should not be anxious of anything meaning we should not be worried about anything at all rather worrying we should bring to god in prayer with thanksgiving
Thanksgiving means removing every doubt and have faith in God to help us in every situations we find ourselves so instead of worrying and doubting we should bring our request to God with a believing heart and watch him give us peace as seen in Philippians 4:7 God brings peace our way when we totally believe on him to help us overcome our worries



From Romans 5:1 we understand that the only way to attain this peace of God is to have faith in him faith means believing total acceptance First we must accept Jesus as our Lord and saviour and then we believe that he has accepted us also as his own and his capable of being peace to our troubled heart
God greatest desire is for us to have a perfect mind that means his willing to give us peace if only we believe he can and that he will when we ask him in prayers Amen



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