Contest entry 203. A Truth l Wish I Could Ignore Forever.

The truth can be overwhelming, especially when it’s one that cuts deep into the core of who we are. If I could choose a truth to ignore forever, it wouldn’t be just one—it would be many. The truth of being neglected, the truth of being disappointed, helpless, or unwanted. The truth of feeling like I might never achieve what I dream of, the truth that all good things, no matter how beautiful, never seem to last.

But the hardest truth of all, the one I wish I could forever erase from my heart and mind, is the truth of death. Losing someone to death is a weight that never truly lifts, no matter how much time passes. I don’t know how people who have lost their most cherished loved ones find the strength to keep going. Every day, I think about it, about the pain, the grief, and I wish—just for a moment—that we could live in a world where everyone could stay happy, alive, and close.

Yes, some have lived long, fulfilling lives, and we can be grateful for the years they had. But others—those who were young, those who never had the chance to grow old—they’re the ones that haunt me the most. People who were taken before their time, before they could experience all the beauty life had to offer. How do you live with that truth? How do you reconcile the fact that someone you love is gone, and all that remains are the memories that will never fade but also never grow?

I’ve tried to accept it. I’ve told myself that death is part of life, that it’s something we all face. But the pain never truly goes away, does it? It’s a truth I’ve been forced to live with, but if I had the choice, it’s the one truth I would choose to ignore forever. Because with death comes a kind of pain that nothing can soothe, a pain that stays with you, day after day, wrapped around the memories of the people you loved but can never see again.

Thank you for reading this. It’s deeply personal, and writing this brought tears to my eyes. It’s a story of pain, yes, but it’s also a story of love—love for the ones we’ve lost, and for the strength we somehow find to carry on.


That’s so true. The pain never really goes away and we have to live with it till we rather get used to it. It’s really a sad thing that I think I also wish I could ignore as well.


"You're absolutely right. Some pain stays with us, and while we may never fully forget, we do learn how to carry it. I wish it could be easier to ignore, but I guess finding strength in the journey is part of the process."


That death is part of life is a truth that is very difficult for most people to accept. Hugs


Thank you for your kind words. It’s true, accepting death as a part of life is incredibly hard, but I’m learning to cope with it day by day. Your message means a lot to me. Sending hugs back."


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No wonder I felt so drawn after the first paragraph. It is deeply personal. I don't think I can ever be so brave to put such things (my inner thoughts and hidden fears) on this blockchain and this is why I admire what you just did.

Love for the ones we've lost...for the things we've lost. For the part of us gone.


"Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot to know that my story resonated with you. I believe there's strength in vulnerability, in sharing the parts of ourselves that we sometimes keep hidden. It's not always easy, but it helps us remember and honor those we've lost, along with the parts of us that may have changed along the way. Sending you love and strength on your own journey."


Nunca desaparece el dolor mi querida dama y te entiendo. Seguramente nuestros muertos nos abrazan con cada recuerdo que evocamos de ellos, están allí y los necesitamos más que ellos a nosotros. Es bueno hablar no trae nada de malo y hasta llorar de vez en cuando expresamos nuestra tristeza porque nos hace falta, pero sin duda debemos continuar adelante por honor a ellos. Un abrazo.

The pain never goes away my dear lady and I understand you. Surely our dead embrace us with every memory we evoke of them, they are there and we need them more than they need us. It is good to talk, there is nothing wrong with it and even crying from time to time express our sadness because we need it, but without a doubt we must continue forward in honor of them. A hug.


Finding solace and strength in memories can be tough, but they often offer a semblance of comfort amidst the pain. Thanks for sharing!


We never recover from loosing a loved one. I'm guessing that's one pain time cannot take away.
