
Gift(s) is one of my most valued love language as a person.The joy derived from giving and receiving gifts is one like no other. The worth or the cost of a gift is not something I really care about as a person, i am mostly concerned about the heart behind that giving, is the gift genuine or is there an ulterior motive behind it. Gifts from the heart and from a place of love are more valued and appreciated no matter how big or small they may be. An expensive gift is worthless if it’s not coming from a heart filled with love and affection, the heart is all that matters when it comes down to gifts, neither the size nor the price matters, just the heart…

I love gifts and i am a big fan of them.
The price or the size is irrelevant as long as it is coming from a place of genuine love and care. Over the years I’ve received many different kinds of gifts from the people in my life, i have gotten not only monetary gifts but also other forms of gifts you can mention. I have gotten frame gifts, accessories and clothing gifts from different people all over the years, especially on my birthday. I have also given gifts to the few genuine people in my life…

The truth is that all the gifts i have ever received from my loved ones are quite memorable, and the fact that they are coming from a heart filled with love and care is what makes them memorable and unique but then there are some that stands out greatly amongst them. Gifts are mostly given to the ones we love and care about…

I have celebrated so many birthdays and gotten varieties of gifts from friends and families, but amongst all these birthdays and gifts, only one and the gift i got from them stood out big time, and that birthday happened to be this year…

My birthday this year remains the best because of two people in my life, the gifts came from two of the most important people in my life, they have been my friends for years and the two of them got me something I have always wanted and dreamt of having sometime this year…

I have always wondered how beautiful it would be getting a birthday cake as a gift from someone in my life, I can’t even remember the last time I celebrated my birthday with a cake, not because of lack of funds or anything but because I thought it was kind of too feminine, and whereas I have never really enjoyed it, but then i hope to make one for myself someday in the future…

On the 12th of April which happened to be my birthday, I got a surprise gift from one of my closest female friends, it was actually surprising because i never saw that particular gift coming. It all happened in the afternoon, she walked into my tutorial and presented me with a cake, an arabian perfume and a bottle of wine. The whole class saw it and they were like awnnnn, many of them actually thought she was my girlfriend the moment she handed them to me, but then she wasn’t, she is just my best friend. I walked her out and we talked a bit before she went off…

Hours later i found out she was a bit ill when she came down to my tutorial earlier, which was why she couldn’t spend more time with me before going for her treatment. This made her gift more valuable than before, imagine her traveling that far just to deliver my birthday gifts to me, even with her ill health. It touched my heart big time and i won’t ever forget that…

The second memorable gift i got this year was something I’ve always wanted, which was given me days after my birthday this year. This gift came from another female friend of mine, the best girl in my life, this particular person hold a special place in my heart big time…

I couldn’t believe she remembered. She and i have been together for long, we attended the same tutorial together and we’ve been close for years. There was a time i told her about my love for VINTAGE shirts and didn’t have one in my wardrobe, i told her about my plan of getting one soon. This conversation happened many months ago…

Some weeks after my birthday i got a delivery from her and upon opening it, I found two of the things i have always loved and wanted. In the parcel was a DG vintage shirt and a patterned shorts

I saw this and jumped up big time. The vintage was just so beautiful, I loved it and the shorts, if she was close to me at that moment, I could have kissed her for real 😳, this is to tell you how happy i was. I picked up my phone and called her immediately, she said ”sorry for the late birthday gifts dear and happy birthday in aerials”

In conclusion, these two people made my birthday this year memorable with their gifts, a cake and a vintage shirt were the two things i have always wanted as a gift and they made my dream come true big time, and that is why those gifts will forever remain my most memorable…

NB; all pictures are owned by me...


Posted using Neoxian City


It seems as though this year you received special gifts from your very attentive female friends. They knew what would make you happy and they did not hesitate to get you those gifts. Are you wearing the vintage shirt in the photo?
Your friends were not only thoughtful but they took time and effort to ensure that you receive these gifts. It shows how much they care about you.

Posted using Neoxian City


Yes, no doubt about that fact…

Yes, that’s the vintage shirt❤️


How thoughtful these friends of yours are. Through their gifts, they made your dreams come through. This shows how much they care for you and want something to make you happy after once hearing your heart desires to own the items. Quite a memorable gift


Eyyyy Fox!
Now I’m confused
Which of them is dearest to your heart..and mmmm you could have kissed her? Eyy ey🤣


Gift's, no matter how little means a lot to some people


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