

I grew up with strong aversion for watching news, which is why I have never been a fan it and i don’t think i will ever have the time for it, as there’s nothing good about it. I strongly believe some of the updates coming out of the news casters mouth are false, which is why i think some news outlets are either falsified or altered to an extent just to put the public on edge. I have a lot to do and less time time to get them done, which is why there won’t be any spare time left for watching news...

It’s been a while since I last saw the news out of choice, the last time i took my television remote to tune into a news channel was when the last pandemic struck my country, and the reason for that was to listen to every little update concerning the pandemic, as a citizen of a country it is profitable to be equipped with the knowledge of what to do and how to do it so as to be safe from the pandemic, which was why i had to make the news channel my best friend back then…

Once again we won the battle against the nation wide pandemic and my attachment to the news faded into the thin air. I don’t watch the news without a good reason, on a normal day you won’t find me streaming the news channels, but on some days I watch it out of compulsion because of Dad…

My dad has always been a news lover and sometimes while watching something interesting on the decoder, he could just walk in and switch the channel to a news channel, and most times there’s nothing we can do about it but to watch for a while before running out…

I don’t watch the news often, I prefer watching news about celebrities, football transfer windows and content creators. I find the news talking about the state of the country and the world at large quite boring, i am not a news person but i watch them out of boredom sometimes, and whenever I hear a news that doesn’t sit well with me, I change the channel immediately for my own sake, I can let one bad news to spoil my whole day…


I have been in this country long enough to know the modulus operandi of my country, and from what i know, I think not all the news updates we get from the news medias are true. The updates are true but not always true, this is something I know for a fact, some of the news updates are falsified or over hyped to pass along not only the message but also some fear, that I know for a fact, especially during those pandemic periods…

I don’t believe everything i hear from the news, i have noticed a couple of loopholes in some of the news casted in the past, sometimes it’s in excess while the other times it’s like they are leaving something major out, which is not supposed to be so. They are withholding the important informations from the hearing of the public…

Informations don’t add up sometimes and that is when we start doubting if everything we’ve been hearing from their mouths is true and accurate…

When it involves world news, I have only one legit source, most especially during those pandemic periods, CNN news have always been my legit source. I prefer CNN news than any other news source, they don’t falsify facts, they let the world know what is going on and how to stay safe from it, that is the news I enjoy and love…

In summary, when I listen to the news updates from my country’s news medias, i am always left with some iota of doubt, the only way to confirm it is by going to CNN for credibility, and so far they’ve been doing good in verifying those informations…

In conclusion, i don’t do news always but then I watch them sometimes. I believe with time everything is going to change, probably in my 50s i will be a news lover, but for now it’s a No No…

