


Thinking so hard on what to write about the topic of edition 3 prompt and all I could do was to bite my nails thinking of that particular crime scene I witnessed either in my environment or anywhere around me lol, I couldn't think of any major crime taking place in my surroundings lol...

Is that strange or is it normal lols?? I guess it is because I live the local part of Ogun state where major crimes are once in a lifetime but when we talk about petty crimes, we have more people here than in other places especially all these young jobless rough guys touring around the environment like it's their father's land lol, they go around the whole street prying and looking for which family to devour of their treasures and belongings...

After thinking so hard on any major crime that I have witnessed and I couldn't think of any, I thought of thinking about something petty, I meant a petty crime I witnessed with my two eyes and for that, I think I have witnessed thousands of petty crimes taking place lol but as long as it is an illegal act, it is regarded as a CRIME...


I have witnessed burglar and robbery and I have witnessed counterfeit money being spent in my most shopped store but burglary and robbery is something very common over here and there was a particular time we had a police visitation over a suspected kidnapper, herbalist, child trafficking and ritualist in my street but I know less of that information so I won't talk about it...

Without wasting too much time on what I won't talk about today but would rather focus on what we have on ground for today which clearly focuses on that particular CRIME SCENE we witnessed, did we report it and what was the outcome of the whole event...


In this modern age and time, several shops and stores have been victims of counterfeit money all because of one reason or the other, on several occasions I have seen counterfeit money being spent for me but because I can't really distinguish between the fake and original, I become a victim of it at the end of the day because of my inability to recognize counterfeit money...




My last job experience has literally helped me a lot in the term of recognizing counterfeit money because I worked with a micro finance organization where we deal with money daily and we also go out to collect daily loans from customers and after being a victim once, I was taught how to recognize fake money from afar that I became an expert...

It is a different case to be given counterfeit money and it is a different case to recognize that particular person that gave you that money, this is my painful experience below lol, because I collect money from at least 300 customers daily, whenever I see a counterfeit money in my collection I have no idea who gave it to me because I don't know who amongst those 300 customers gave me that money , the only clue I had was that i know the particular group the money came from and I have to be watchful of that same group next time to prevent such scenario happening again, at the end of the day the loss that day is always deducted from my salary and that was when I decided to learn how to detect counterfeit money and since that day I became extra cautious that If I am not sure your money is fake or original, I will write your name on the money incase of any hiccups lol...

My boss makes sure he tears that money whenever he gets it to prevent it from circulating again and that is a beautiful act indeed, he didn't want it to fall into anyone's hands again...


In summary, I was forced to learn how to detect counterfeit money after I became a victim several times lol(my experience with counterfeit money)...

About 7 years ago at around 6pm, I remember the year but I don't remember the date in particular and I remember it was evening time because I was fetching water on that very fateful day...

I was fetching water near a small wholesale & retail store and she was also in charge of the water sales too and that made her in charge of both, she sells in wholesale and retail...




I was fetching water that evening when I saw this local waste collector guy, we call them dumper (kole koleπŸ‘€) because we dumb our refuse with them in exchange for money, this particular one wasn't a refuse collector but a metal collector, he buys any thing metal from people for money...

I was taking my water back and I saw him going thinking he is minding his business, on my way back I started hearing catch him catch him, thief, thief, thief, thief...

Playfully the street guys ran after this guy and caught him and brought him to where I was fetching water, they have already beaten him blue black lol...


Everyone Converged and I heard how the woman was narrating how he came to spend her counterfeit money(#1,000) lol and he collected change, back then one thousand naira had huge value unlike now, he bought #100 worth of goods and collected #900 change lol, crazy right lol...

While discussing that issue, another woman came and saw the guy held up and said this is the guy that stole the rim of her umbrella some time ago before I looked back again , I saw punches and slaps from left and right that I felt pity for the guy, we don't miss the chance to beat thieves in our environment lol...

He was asked why he did that but he couldn't say anything and was just looking like a criminal, the street guys beat him blue and black and asked him why he ran away if he did nothing bad lol, by this time they had gone through his pockets (other thieves beating a thief) lol...




In summary, before handing him over to the baale( street leader) they beat the hell out of him and from what I heard later on the baale handed him over to the police after his inability to defend himself...

In conclusion, I guess the woman has been a victim too many times lol because she immediately detected the #1000 was fake and she shouted immediately and that was how he was caught for both stealing and spending counterfeit money, I am sure he must have been doing it before and escaping but this time nemesis caught up with him...

NB : When you are being spent counterfeit money, please keep it or paste on the wall for others to see and not for you to spend it for another person because that same money will keep circulating and one person will be a victim later on and it might end badly for such person, I am sunrise don't want the blood of another on our hands...





πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I couldn't stop smiling because I have been spent counterfeit money many times and it was my inability to recognize one that made it keep happening. At that moment, my dad will always be there to check through any money and most times, when he isn't around, I don't sell goods if you bring #1000 to me, I will tell such a person to find change or leave πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Of course, the guy wouldn't find any genuine reason why he is doing that. He wouldn't be able to defend himself.

Then, Nigerians do not dull themselves in beating a thief blue-black because that is what they love. Funny enough, you will see thief beating another thief.

This is why there is a proverb that we all are thieves, it's just that we haven't been caught in a wrong act... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
