

The rate at which unhealthy and indecent contents are circulating all over the internet and many other social media platforms is quite alarming, the internet is no longer a safe haven for anyone, everyone just wants to survive in their own possible ways, and because of this they have forgotten to think about the impact of this indecent contents on those who aren’t suitable for it. I understand the desperate need for survival in this harsh world, but I don’t think our survival should affect the innocence and purity of every young kids out there…

The advancement of science and technology has really made everything easier for children of this generation, now i am starting to understand why our parents never misses the opportunity to compare the freedom we have nowadays to the kind of freedom they had in their own time. I remember what my mum do say back then when something strange happens, especially when it involves internet scandals and children are being involved, she doesn’t miss the opportunity to relate that happening to their younger days, and that is because their days were better and safer for everyone, technology and science hasn’t really advanced to this extent, which made it more difficult for children of different age grades to find something unhealthy or indecent on the internet…

This indecent and unhealthy content found online has really done more harm than good to us, especially when it involves our kids and every young child we have out there. This is the 21st century, which means advancement and growth is certain, especially in terms of science and technology, which involves some video and written contents. The world has evolved so much, which is why we have to keep evolving as the world evolves…

Putting an hundred percent blame on the owners of these platforms is quite bad. Honestly, everyone is looking for different ways to survive daily, and because of this many people result to doing many things, all of which include good and bad, the fact is that we can’t totally blame them for choosing that survival path, that’s what they chose to do regardless of its impact…

We know these platform owners aren’t ready to help preserve the innocence and purity of our kids, they are just focused on making profits. This is where we parents ought to step in big time and take over, at the end of the day you are doing this not only for your kids but also for every child out there…

If these platform owners aren’t ready to help by closing down their platforms, since it’s their means of survival, then take up your responsibilities as parents and do the right thing by monitoring the contents your kids consume from time to time…


The fact is that every parent out there can only do little when it comes to their kids, at some point these kids will be somewhere far away from their parents, this is when we will know the kind of training such kids have, most of the time parents aren’t at fault, sometimes the kids just decide to do things differently…

When it comes to the censorship of some online contents, I think the owners of these platforms and the parents of these children share an equal responsibility. If these contents aren’t posted online, these children won’t have access to them neither would their innocence be tainted, that’s for the owners of these platforms and for their parents, if they had sat their children down to explain the impact of these contents to them and probably monitor them closely, there’s a slight possibility of them being safe…

I still believe if these contents aren’t posted online, these kids won’t have access to them, which is why I think both the platform owners and the parents of these kids have equal responsibility…

In summary, our parent won’t always be around to monitor and watch the content we consume, they can only rigidly monitor us to an extent, they can’t monitor us 24 hours daily right, and this is where these platform owners comes in, they need to be selective of what to allow and what not to allow on their platforms, because everything they allow would definitely impact lives, be it positively or negatively…

In conclusion, this is not a one way thing, both the parents and the owners of these platforms should be careful and watchful. If both parties can work hand in hand with each other then everything is bound to be fine, but I believe our parents have more work to do in this regard…



Honestly, you are spot on. The content on the internet is now infiltrated all because everyone wants to earn from it, and this is at the detriment of others.

The people who should be protecting us aren't. Instead, they are even the ones sharing most of these things. Now, when you even confront them, you'll hear something like - everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. If it is like that, why don't you share yours...
And to crown it all, the platform owners doesn't care at all 🤧


Thanks iska, everyone wants to survive, and they don’t care what they have to do to make it, this is bad and needs to be addressed and cautioned. Thanks for stopping by dear


I agree with what you said, we cannot outsource the responsibility of educating our children. This is an obligation that has always been and will always be the parents' responsibility.


Thank you very much brother, you have said it all and I agree with you perfectly, thanks for stopping by..


It's so saddening that it is the children that suffer in the name of someone trying make money to survive through any means, even if it is unhealthy and hurts many children lives.

I feel this platform owners ought to be more strict with the contents they permit on their platforms


You have said it all my brother, making money at the expense of someone’s life is a very bad business, i also agree with you big time bro, thanks for the thoughtful response…


You're welcome. You post was really thought provoking.
Thank you too 😄


Both parents and company owners have a role to play to ensure that the internet is safe for all.


It's so saddening that it is the children that suffer in the name of someone trying make money to survive through any means, even if it is unhealthy and hurts many children lives.

I feel this platform owners ought to be more strict with the contents they permit on their platforms


When everyone comes together, the rate at which such uncensored content are consumed by children will reduce, it's just getting out of hand, but when the platform plays their part by blocking uncultured content or auto deleting hate speech, it'll help sanitise the space.

Parents too have lot of monitoring to do and also train their child well, so they'll know what's right.


You have literally analyzed everything and the likely solution to everything out there bro, we all have equal responsibility in this regard, parents play their part and owners of platform’s do theirs, easy peasy, thanks for stopping by bro..
