

I think it’s high time I started saving up my little hive earnings to get a private jet, because with the way things are going now in my country, I don’t think we will be able to endure this hardship anymore, the best solution now is to either get a private jet or go spiritual, i mean disappearing and appearing in different places without using any physical means of transportation, with this option one won’t have to worry about the bad roads, fuel cost, traffic or gas cost. I think going spiritual/terrestrial is the best solution right now…

I have been in this country for more than two decades and since I started funding my transportation expenses and exploring different places in my country, it’s been one problem or another. Our so called leaders have a big responsibility, they have a lot of things to fix and set right, and of these things is the bad roads we have here and there, another is the high price of petrol and gas. Thanks to the persistent increase in the price of petrol and gas, the money we pay for our transportation is now increasing daily…

This is getting hard honestly, imagine not being able to explore the world and other places because of the enormous increase in cost of transportation, now we are being forced to make a choice of who is more important to visit, back then we could go places with just little money, but now we need to consider many factors before setting out on a trip or journey…

I remember when the cost of transportation was still very cheap and easy to source out, back then i was the best definition of a traveler, which means i don’t spend a week at home, i am always going to places, visiting friends and families that far and near, it was easy for me because the cost was normal, even with the fact that our roads are bad, I didn’t really care much because i was already used to it, the cost of transportation is what matters most…

This was my way of life in the past, until the issue of fuel subsidy, immediately after the increment of petrol price, I became an hijab brother, I became an introvert lol, now i am being forced to stay in my parents house 7 days a week without traveling places, all because of the big increase in fuel price, which has led to an increased cost of transportation…

In this part of the world where I stay, we are scrutinizing suffering from many things, talking about bad and faulty roads, we are number one, talking about skyrocketed petrol and gas price we are topping the chart, traffic issues is not a bigger deal…


I wish we only had to suffer from bad roads and traffics, it would have been better and safer. The cost of petrol is actually a bigger challenge for us, honestly. Even car owners can afford to waste their petrol on a pointless trip, this is to tell you how hard everything is…

The truth is that i don’t know how this can be solved, i am tired honestly, imagine spending all week indoors without being able to travel to and fro, just because of increased cost of transportation, I believe our leaders know what we need and when we need it…

In summary, if the price of petrol and gas can go back to its initial price, then we can have a better chance of getting other issues resolved, but let’s first fix the price of petrol and gas, after that we can talk about fixing the bad roads and traffic issues…

In conclusion, if this doesn’t get resolved in time, I think I would have to go back to my village, this time i am going back to my grandparents to get cooked traditionally, this way I might never have to spend on transportation ever again lol 😂…



Is the same all over Nigeria. The price of petrol keep going up and not coming down as we expected.
Thanks to God who has been helping us.


God Will keep helping us my dear, thanks for stopping by dear
