Tarde de heladitos cremosos 🍧 (Eng-Esp).


English 💙

After doing just about everything and a little bit of everything that day, we needed to eat something sweet to relax. So we went to an ice cream shop that has become famous downtown. My brother had taken me there to try those ice creams and I was fascinated with them 😻

My husband ordered orange with butter and I ordered parchita (passion fruit) with butter. Then we sat on the little wall that surrounds one of the most visited squares in the center of the city and ate our ice cream while we talked about what we had done during the day and what we had left to do.

I quite like these ice creams because it is not the typical ice cream that is sometimes made and eaten in my country and is based on water, a fruit and sugar, no, they are creamy. In addition, they are economical, big and come in many flavors such as Swiss cake, rum and raisin, buttery with oreo, grape, orange, lemon, strawberry, the traditional chocolate and others. And in the store they give you a special price if you take them to the wholesale (ideal for entrepreneurship) ✨

I took the opportunity to take some pictures in the square watching how people at that time sit and talk, others come and go without stopping, and others go to use the free internet that sometimes works there.

When I finished my ice cream I was full, as if I had already had dinner. And happy that my husband tried them for the first time 😋

I wish you all a nice weekend, friends. 💜

Español 💛

Después de hacer casi todo y de todo un poco ese día, necesitábamos comer algo dulce para relajarnos. Así que fuimos a una heladería que se ha vuelto famosa en el centro de la ciudad. Mi hermano me había llevado allí a probar esos helados y yo estaba fascinada con ellos 😻

Mi esposo pidió de naranja con mantecado y yo de parchita (maracuyá) con mantecado. Luego nos sentamos en el pequeño muro que rodea una de las plazas más visitadas en el centro de la ciudad y comimos nuestros helados mientras hablábamos sobre lo que habíamos hecho durante el día y lo que nos faltaba por hacer.

Me gustan bastante estos helados porque no es el típico helado que se hace y se come a veces en mi país y que es a base de agua, una fruta y azúcar, no, son cremosos. Además, son económicos, grandes y vienen en muchos sabores como torta suiza, ron con pasas, mantecado con oreo, uva, naranja, limón, fresa, el tradicional chocolate y otros más. Y en la tienda te dan un precio especial si los llevas al mayor (ideal para emprendimiento) ✨

Aproveché de tomar algunas foticos en la plaza viendo cómo las personas a esa hora se sientan a conversar, otras van y vienen sin parar, y otras más van a usar el internet gratuito que a veces funciona allí.

Al terminar mi helado quedé full, como si hubiera cenado ya. Y feliz de que mi esposo los haya probado por primera vez 😋

Les deseo a todos un lindo fin de semana, amigos. 💜

Text of my authorship. The photos are my own, taken with my Realme 7 phone. Editing with the Liketu editor.
Text translated using DeepL.com

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Saludos @purpleglitter , que buenos son esos momentos, y más acompañados de una tarde de super helados que dejan full como te paso a ti. Jejej


Saludos @castm2 🤗 Siii valee.. buenísimos tanto el helado como el momento. Pronto volveremos por allá 😄 Gracias por comentarme 🍦


Thanks for sharing your ice cream experience. I've never seen it served in what looks like a bag. The numerous flavors look tasty 😋 Glad you got to share the moment with your husband. What country do you reside if you don't mind me asking?

-Ice Cream Creations Community


Hello! Sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, it is ice cream served in a bag. It is something traditional from my country Venezuela. Thanks for your comment. I didn't know about your community and I love the subject. I have already subscribed and will keep it in mind to share my ice cream experiences. Thank you!


No problem thanks for the reply back. I've seen a lot of ice cream post from Venezuela so thanks for letting me know I didn't know about this tradition there. Thanks for the subscribition I hope to see you in the future 😁 🍨🍦
