Splinterlands Art Contest Week 293: Djinn Biljka
My entry for this week’s Splinterlands Fan Art Challenge is Djinn Biljka, a legendary Earth Element creature that grows stronger and more formidable in battle as it levels up.
With its abilities like Camouflage, Void Magic, and Weaken, combined with a magic attack of 3, it will surely deal damage to opponents.
First, I created a rough outline of the character, then outlined it using different colors corresponding to the character’s colors.
Once the outline was done, I added colors on the layer beneath each outline.
I used various layers of colors to achieve the woody texture effect of the character’s body. I started with shades of brown and followed with green.
After finishing the character, I added brown splash-like effects on its back.
For the background, I simply used a green cloudy brush.
I hope you like the fan art I created. See you next week for my new entry in the challenge!
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