Smartness Will Always Win.

It is one thing to work smart and it's another thing to work hard. Working hard, in a simple sense means putting all your efforts into something to get an excellent and worthy result or reward. But it has been abused, I mean some believe working hard means working hard, literally stressing yourself out, a physical display of your input to work. I hate it more because most of the jobs that require strenuous activities do not have a worthy rewards or results. While working smart is putting the required efforts but leveraging on things that makes the work easier and faster and still get a worthy and excellent result or reward.

Working smart gets the job done almost like working hard but with lesser effort.

Frequent,Occasionally, Rarely and Forgotten (2).png

One time I stumbled on a Twitter space and a man was sharing his experience about making money online, what to sell, how to sell and people to sell to. He said he once entered a taxi in Dubai and he somehow got into a conversation with the taxi driver. He told the taxi driver about making money online but to his surprise, the taxi man told him he doesn't believe in such thing that he rather love to work hard to earn. Fact is, there are so many people like that man who believe in working very hard and not smart at all, they see it as almost illegal. Their believe is that you gotta work hard to earn.

This era working smart pays more and it is more appreciated. It saddens me whenever I see or hear about how students are trained and taught. The same traditional ways of education is being applied, same way, culture, routine, laws. It makes me sad because these student will turn out exactly like every other student that was taught the same way. It's a new era and these educational institution authorities are complaining and expecting something different. Nah, it can't be different. Same process will give same result, over and over again.

There were many stringent rules in school at that time that was not balanced at all. Why allow us to bring phone to school and teachers can still seize it during free periods or break time ?. Rules like we can't talk when we are accused of something, they expected us to take blame and be responsible. I understand that they wanted us to be bright and good kids but their approach wasn't good enough.

Technology has gone too far to not follow it, you'd miss out really bad. Some of us are the only reason why our parents and old relatives can still use some technology. I agree that it is possible for students to use smartphones during exams. Usage of smart technologies will enhance learning and of course with the right usage, students can turn out smarter.

The disadvantages is students will always be students, there will be some set that wants to outsmart the teachers, lecturer or invigilators. With the help of smart devices, it would be very easy to cheat in an examination hall. I prefer the traditional way of writing exams, a pen, question paper and answer booklet, that's all. Though computer based exams can be more efficient and faster.

Thank you for reading till the end
