A few photographs of natural scenery!!


Hello friends, how are you all. Hope you all are doing very well. I am good with your blessings. Today I am here on dear blog with new photography.


First I woke up in the morning and saw the sun rising in the east. So I captured it on my mobile. After taking the photography, the sun wandered in the bill for some time.Then I saw the paddy growing among the paddy trees in our green field.


Then I saw a plant on the edge of the bill. The name of that plant is Kuchuripana flower. I saw the flower and immediately captured the mobile. The flower is so beautiful that the flower has not yet bloomed.


I saw four Shapla flowers on the tree next to it. I saw four Shapla flowers blooming in the tree, which looks very beautiful. Four Shapla flowers are blooming very beautifully. I captured what I saw. The leaves of the Shapla tree are very beautiful. The leaves are all around. Cuts look and the color of the leaves is like a light green leaf.



I took some photographs around the bill. The bill looks very heavy and beautiful around, and in the photographs, there was a woman in the bill putting a net between the grass and the bill. I shared his scene with you. In our village, mother and father put their nets and caught fish.



w3w location

Finally I photograph the algae in the bill water. But to me the algae looked very good. That's why I do my photography of them. The algae are swaying in the water stream, which I was very happy to see. The color of the algae was also very beautiful.

So dear friends, this is how I finished writing today's post. But I know how much you will like my post.

But see your post and let me know through good or bad comments.

thank you
