Nurturing Kindness: How Parents Can Teach Children to Forgive



They say charity begins at home. For a child to love another fellow, he or she must learn what love is at home through his or her parents. The parents are the first teachers before taking them outside to a building called the school where they learn skills in alignment with what they have been taught at home. That is to say, parents shouldn't leave all the responsibilities to the teachers alone as they have the largest part to do.

A child can only be in school from Monday to Friday, at an average of 6-8 hours while they spend the most time at home. Teaching children certain morals at home will be of great help and also relieve the burdens off of teachers and parents inclusively.

When a child does not practice good morals or necessary attributes, then the parents should be questioned. For a child to have a forgiving heart, it should be seen in the lives of the parents as they tend to emulate and practice what they see them doing.

There is a student in the junior class who shouldn't go beyond 5 and 7 years of age at my place of work, she came to report a boy student who dragged her school bag from her back until she fell, she was crying when I called her, seeing she needed a teacher to report to and not seeing any on sight, I called her and she reported to me.

I had to be the judge and called for the boy so I could hear from his mouth too, which he did and I realized he was guilty. The offence wasn't much so I decided not to use a cane but commanded him to apologise sincerely which I must see from his expression.

A few minutes later, I wanted to use the loo, then a teacher who was in a corner in the staff room next to mine, watching the whole drama told me that the same girl went to report to another teacher in another staff room and that she wanted the boy to be beaten. That means the apology didn't sit well with her but to see the boy crying like she did. Not only that, they have observed this young girl with such behaviour as it wasn't the first time.

That pained me a little because I could see a young girl who has locked up her heart not to forgive or accept any plea until she sees her offender being punished too. That attitude is bad and I don't see why such a little girl would have such bitterness, resentment, hatred and grudge in her without an unforgiving heart or a heart that accepts apology when she has heard the word "I am sorry"


Children need to be taught the meaning of those 3 letter words — I am sorry and to be made to know that once they are offended and the other party has apologised with the words I am sorry, then they should forget and move on without holding onto grudges in their mind.

Bitterness is a bad feeling and when a child has started building such in her mind, then it is not good. Children ought to be taught good morals from home by parents and to instil in them a heart that forgives and does not keep malice. While growing up, I had to keep malice as a young girl, it was a pleasure to see other children feeling sad when I told them that I wouldn't talk to them for a certain period unless they came to apologise for doing the wrong thing and when they apologise, that ends it instantly.

It was when I was of age, I realized I don't even need that but to pursue peace all the time. Instead of holding onto grudges in me, I decided to forgive easily and let go completely and this has helped me to this point in life where peace has taken over. Children with such an attitude of not forgiving another person, but seeing them being punished, if not cautioned by parents at the right time, grow up to hold onto that resentment, anger, and bitterness forever.

These little beings should be taught morals that uplift and bring them joy, and most important of all, to understand the meaning of saying sorry, and that when it is being said to them, they should forget the misunderstandings. The word "I am sorry" should be emphasised on them so they can know how powerful and magical the word can heal wounds and create happiness within them.

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Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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62.297 NEOXAG


This your story eh... While I am boiling for the little girl to be punished for undermining your authority, I am also putting myself in her shoes. The humiliation and embarrassment that boy's action must have caused her.

I think what's best in this situation is counseling of both children. They need love not pain.

Came in from #dreemport

0.000 NEOXAG

Forgiveness is a very important value, and what's better than teach them from a young age... Sometimes it's hard even for us adulrs

0.000 NEOXAG

Children are naturally wired to forgive which is why the attitude of this girl is alarming. Kids put to practice what they see and their environment play an important role in making them what they turn out to be. Kindness and love is taught just like hate is.


0.000 NEOXAG

beautiful theme to educate our little ones, love, respect and forgiveness.


0.000 NEOXAG

I do hope that, that little child will be corrected in time so that she might not have to live her life filled with resentment and anger for long, it is not a good way to live.

I used to have a sister like that, never forgiving those who wronged her, and it cost her a lot. But thank God she is a nicer person now.

Kids are like sponges, they scoop everything in their surroundings and it sticks to them. The poor child must have learned that from somewhere.

0.000 NEOXAG

Not forgiving can cost one so much in an unpleasant way, so forgiving is the best. That kid is still young and can change if being taught the right thing. Of course, she has learnt that act somewhere and parents should try to observe these kids so as to bring them back to the right path. Although, some parents are bad at observation even when kids are always with them.

0.000 NEOXAG

Although, some parents are bad at observation even when kids are always with them.

Sad, but very true and common.

I just know you are going to make a great mom someday, your parenting knowledge and instinct are inspiring.🥰😍

0.000 NEOXAG

The first stage of love is taught by the parents at home. When a child is deprived of love while growing up, he is liable to becoming a threat to the peace of others later in life.

A child that is beloved can easily love others and possess the spirit of forgiveness.

0.000 NEOXAG

You are so right. When kids aren't taught love from home, they post threat outside. The home is the first place to teach these values.

0.040 NEOXAG

I am not a parent. I was picked on mercilessly in school or ignored. I preferred ignored. My parents taught me to ignore that stuff but they were frustrated that I preferred to be alone and not try harder to make more friends despite being picked on or ignored. To this day, I prefer to be alone. My husband isn't very outgoing either. I think forgiving is good but we don't have to keep putting ourselves out there either. Some kids can't or won't get over and that's why we have school shooting rampages. I prefer to walk away because the jerks aren't worth the jail time.

0.000 NEOXAG

I guess you chose who is best for you, in this regard, being alone. Your parents were kind of frustrated because they saw such personality wouldn't make you make friends. Choice matters here, don't you think?
Yes, forgiving is good and also, walking away especially when there is danger looming so we don't end up doing something we might regret later. Thanks for your input.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, I feel the most energized on my own. My husband is the same way. He had similar experiences to mine. We enjoy our time alone together. Choice definitely matters. I own my choices. You're welcome.

0.000 NEOXAG

This is well explained. The act of forgiveness shouldn't be absent in the lives of children.

Thank you for sharing.


0.000 NEOXAG

Can you reach out to the parent of the little child by any means? You know some parents usually claim so busy and fail to look into the morals of the children as they grow. I feel for this little child with resentment... And hopefully, she will get out of it with time.
Love and kindness is a must trait parents should have and pass on to their children, teach them guide and correct them always inorder to raise a responsible child

0.000 NEOXAG

Hehehe. Mama, this is a public school and not private. It is easier to call the attention of parents whose kids are in a private school and besides, they used to say we are corpers and should be careful what we do or how we interfere in matters. Since the school didn't do anything because they know her to put up such behaviour, I think I should mind my business oo. Lol

0.000 NEOXAG

Lovely title my friend. Because this is a must that every child should be taught to forgive and never to carry hatred forward.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes. That is it. They need to know what forgiveness means.

0.000 NEOXAG

Me llamo mucho la atención esa reflexión, el ejemplo primero es en casa.Los padres somos los responsables de inculcar esos valores,esos valores ayudarán a nuestros pequeños también a enfrentarse al viaje de la vida.
Y esa palabra lo siento jugará un papel fundamental.saludos me encantó esa reflexión.🤗🤗

0.000 NEOXAG

Muy bien dicho. Los padres son responsables de enseñar a estos niños los valores y la moral correctos. La palabra perdón puede ser de gran ayuda para reparar heridas y dolores. Por lo tanto, a los niños se les debe enseñar su importancia. Gracias por tomarte tu tiempo en mi publicación 🤗

0.000 NEOXAG