Not What I Wanted.

It was years ago when I lost my mom and it was so hard for us then. I had to move to stay with Dad so I could help and stay with him especially trying to console him whenever he was brooding and lost in thoughts over his wife's death. Things got so hard that we just had to keep living and remain the good people we were. It was during that time a misunderstanding happened between my Dad and his siblings, in the end, my younger siblings who were staying in the village with my late Grandma were thrown out to go meet my dad. Perhaps they wanted to deal with him and see if he would be able to take care of us.
At that period, I was also sent away from my aunt's place never to return to her house again. At that point, I was so devastated and started thinking about all manners of things. There was a time I had the thought to do the wrong thing but after so much thought, I refrained from it and stuck to my good behaviour. In my family, we have never had to hawk goods because my parents wouldn't allow such. To them, we should never be found doing such especially with the kind of family I was brought up in.
I put in for jobs by submitting my CV to different schools and kept hoping to be called for an interview. My Dad was struggling so much that hardly would we eat twice a day. Sometimes, it is the same junk food we will eat every night for weeks and even months. I decided to get a job just to support him with my siblings and me. Fortunately, I got a teaching job that pays 12,000 naira. What would that even do? It wasn't even enough as I was also saving for my direct entry form after much plea and persuasion to further my degree education.
I started thinking of what to do to make more money and in the end, what my parents didn't want us to do was what I ended up doing. I started making liquid soaps, and snacks like chinchin and doughnuts and would hawk around the street and across the road. At first, I was so shy of that because it wasn't something I was brought up with. Children in the neighbourhood would laugh at me, call me names but I never bothered as I was aiming at making more money to support my family. At least it was better than going the wrong means to make money which could tarnish my family's name.
It took me weeks to get used to the new way and life of hawking. I got many customers who made a deal for me to deliver in bulk for them so they could re-sell it again. I was so happy with the progress because I could help my family and we were living fine. They thought we would be starved while with our father but God took control of the situation. I did what I couldn't do but I never gave up until I achieved what I wanted. When I look back today, I appreciate myself and see how far I have gone.
The image belongs to me
Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Wow, the only reason you could achieve all kf this was because you were industrious.🥰🥰🥰
Your dad will be so proud of you.😘 I popped in from Dreemport. Always a d #dreemerforlife.
You are right. Thank you 😊
And yes, he is always proud of my siblings and I.
I am in awe of anyone who can take control of the situation like you did. I wonder if I would have been able to get past the people making fun of me and doing the right thing of creating a small business to help. I hope now that I know more and more stories like this my heart will be stronger and not flinch on hustling in the right way if the situation demands it. Thanks for sharing your story as it will be useful to many as it was to me.
Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife
Yes. I never got worried of the kids mocking me then, because I was focused on what I wanted to achieve which I did in the end — that was a relief to me which brought excitement to my face.
Doing the right thing despite what life throws at you brings the best reward later. We just need to be patient and hopeful. Thank you.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the Divine turnaround because you don't look like what you have through
Yes. It has been God all through. Thanks sis.
You remind us that challenges can be stepping stones that can be used to move us forward.
Exactly. That is just the summary of my story here. Thank you 😊
This is very pleasing to read. It doesn't matter how someone fell, what matters is the effort put in place to stand. It is gratifying that you didn't leave your dad to carry the load alone. I am sure that you were an inspiration for him to keep believing in a better tomorrow. You did great @princessbusayo
Yes, it is the efforts that matters. I was happy to be of a support to him then too and I am glad how things turned out for us. Thank you, Lightpen.
"Tough times never lasts, but tough people do."
Despite all life threw at you, you persevered. What you described up there are things I've probably only seen in movies before. It's hard to imagine them happening for real.
May you continue to find success in all your doings.
I'm so sad and happy right now. It feels like watching a sad movie with a very happy ending.
Hehehe 😀 I believe most circumstances we experience are what is being used as movies for others to watch and learn from. I understand one to be surprised until one has to face something similar. I hope life treats us better. Thank you for reading.
That's all we can do: hope. No one knows what's coming next.
Thanks for sharing such a deep story. I learn a lot from it.
I am happy to have you read my story too. Thanks 😊
Sometimes situations make us change. We must eat as humans so in critical situations we will do anything to survive. It's good you took the initiative to help your dad in your own little way.I'm proud of you.
You are right. Situations changes things for us and that is life. Thank you, Nhaji.
You’re most welcome.
Sometimes, we find ourselves in a situation that makes us act out of our normal lifestyle but I am glad you choose the right way to make a living
Yes. It would have been worse going the wrong way. Thank you mama 😘