How well is it going with my finance?


If there is something I am good at, it is that I know how to manage money to the last cent, and people always call me stingy but I don't mind because after everything, I am still the person who would suffer it most and it is then you won't see anyone around to support or help you. As someone who doesn't like being embarrassed when it comes to money, I tend to be wise and prudent in my spending. I used to say that it is better to have lots of food at home and no money than to not have any. Food is very important.

So far, Christmas for the year 2024 is gone. We have waited for the season and yesterday, we celebrated it filled with love and enjoyment. Now, we have just 5 more days to the end of the year. Do I still have my finances in check?

Absolutely, yes.

I don't want to enter the new year broke or try to seek help for transport fare back to my destination. I have planned this even before travelling to my hometown. I set aside money for foodstuffs that will take me through at least 2 months and some weeks in the coming year. Also, I set aside money to celebrate my birthday as I have decided to travel to the city of Lagos to have a mini party with my two childhood friends. All of these would cost me money, but I am covered with my proper planning and nothing will disturb the other.


Going broke isn't something I want to experience at the start of the new year, so I tried to make sure nothing would lead to that. Just like I said before in one of my posts, I hate to borrow, especially at the beginning of a new year. This is why I made a thorough planning with my finances where I don't need to start spending beyond my budget at home. Since we've enough foodstuffs and ingredients to use, nothing is making me spend extra money aside from the ones I intend to give to one of my uncles and my dad.

Budgeting is a good tool that has helped me till now and if I didn't include an item on my list to purchase, I don't. Another thing is that I made sure to move my money against next year into my locked account while I have some amount for my transport fare and the ones as tips. This will guide me on spending judiciously, and once I have reached the limit, I zip up. I don't want anyone to put me in trouble because I would not want to start begging and causing myself embarrassment in January; that's something I hate.

I was having a conversation with a friend last night and we talked about our plans against next year, especially talking about our finances, I had to let her know how tight I have been in my hometown and not giving anyone face when it comes to money. She also has a plan for the new year, and just like me, she doesn't like something to embarrass her, so she is being careful. Spending beyond the limit just to impress people will only lead one to be broke, so let's be careful because going broke isn't something palatable to experience.

Both images are mine


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People start judging a person just by looking at his activities while they do not know the reality. When I was in college, some of my friends used to call me a miser because I did not spend money like them. These were the same people who came from rich families. Money should always be spent carefully because in today's time, if you have money, then your basic needs will be fulfilled and you do not need to take loan from anyone.


No one cares when it comes to money and it's funny how some rich dudes would be calling another a miser because he or she decides to be wise in spending while they lavish excessively. They end up becoming broke in the end. No one should come into our head and whatever they call us, we aren't bothered because we are responsible for our decisions and mistakes. So, spending wisely isn't a bad thing.


Without a budget, one can fall into the temptation of spending more than what is planned.
One also has to be careful when with family members and friends if not one will spend too much.


Well I wouldn't expect anything less from an Ex-corp member, people usually say those with the best budgeting habits are salary earners 😅. I also did the same with extreme measures, any amount that seem to be extra after my budgeting I made sure I locked it up in an App to avoid temptation while roaming with family and friends.


Yes oo. That is it, emry. Being wise in spending is something we mustn't take for granted.


That's the best approach to spending. I have never understood the idea of spending to impress and the next minute you are the one suffering the consequences of your extravagance.
Compliments of the season dear.


Yes oo. Spending to impress is never a good option. Thank you, graat.


I came to a conclusion that all the people are good in managing finance are stingy one in other's eye.
In my case I am always broke because I don't keep money for me. I give all my money to my parents and when I need money I take from them directly.


When you don't give village face, they see you as being if there's a tree in the city where money is plucked 😅.

But, you travelling to Lagos to celebrate birthday, that's huge fund you want to splash. Or maybe the tfare is a chicken change 😅


Well, you are not stingy. It is just good to have a good plan with a good plan, you will be able to manage your finances very well.


I used to say that it is better to have lots of food at home and no money than to not have any. Food is very important.

I agree with you and I also think this way too.

My darling it's not stinginess ooo, it's better to spend according to your budget than to be looking stranded the following year


Exactly my point. Why trying to oppress someone and end up becoming broke. I don't let people's voices enter my head because whatever they say, if it gets worse, you will bear the cross.
