How am I holding up with the inflation?


I saw a short clip video of an old man who was stopped by a young guy who asked him if he wasn't tired of the present economy and if the current situation was not worrying him. The old man who was still walking as he wasn't interested in the dialogue had to reply and say he wasn't complaining and he was okay with himself. The way the man responded got me cracked up and that is the truth.

Many of us have complained and at some point, got tired of the way everything is going on but here we are still striving hard to feed ourselves and our families. I know it hasn't been easy for everyone, especially the poor ones who can't withstand the situation as they hardly find what to eat in a day. Everyone right now is holding up and trying to be fine despite the high inflation that has turned everything upside down.

I also complained about it when it all started this year but it got to a point, I stopped as there was nothing I could do. Whether I complain or not, it doesn't change the price or bring it down from what it is. We will still have to get those basic needs in the market even though we hiss at every item's price that has skyrocketed.

It is funny how prices change in a twinkle of an eye. There was another clip I watched yesterday. The young boy went to the market and priced a palm oil and the price was #1000 per bottle. He went to another seller and it was the same price. He decided to call his mom to let her know of the new price as he was given #800 from home. The mother had no choice and told him to get it at that price but by the time he went back to the same sellers, #400 had been added to the price which was a surprise to the boy.

What they were trying to convey there was that as it is now, you don't even need to haggle the price but to get it immediately, else, if you try to make calls or waste any more time, the price would change.


Inflation has eaten deep in us that we have no choice but to hustle hard and make more money by having sources of income. I don't even complain again because it is what it is. I am grateful I can afford things despite how pricey they are. I don't even bother with writing the exact price I bought something as I tend to add a higher amount to my budget whenever I am going to the market because I know what is happening, the price you bought an item today would have changed before you visit again. This is what I do to avoid getting the shock of my life where I wouldn't be able to get them again.

The way the country is going right now, we don't know when this will end as fuel prices have skyrocketed again making the cost of transportation expensive. All I do is keep praying to God never to stop His blessing from coming while I also work on getting more sources of income, because to be honest, having a source of income as a single person isn't ideal, not to talk of someone with family and children.

Many times, I am grateful for this platform for coming through for many of us. I sat down one day and thought, "What if Hive wasn't in the picture, how do I cope?" With responsibilities flying here and there, trying to live a good life and giving myself the best treatment wouldn't be possible with the minimum wage for a Nigerian corper, it would be hard! But I am grateful.

Not to forget trying to live below my means. I have learnt to cut down on my expenses and go for what is necessary while saving for emergencies any money that comes my way. With this, I have been coping and holding up, not bothered about the present situation in the economy and I hope and pray that things become normal someday. Until then, we keep living and hustling instead of complaining because no matter how much we do, it will not change anything.

Both images belong to me

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Sometimes I think inflation makes our life difficult and we will face trouble in the future if inflation rates remain high like not. It's true but at the same time, inflation is just like an illusion. I haven't seen anyone dying for inflation. Have you ever thought about how the poor also cope with it? If they can do it, then I think it's not so difficult for them.


Yes, somehow, the poor cope with it too and I believe inflation won't be this difficult. Because if we can survive it now, then we will continue to survive.


For now, when you go to the market and then they say something is 50 cedis and you don’t buy then I don’t even know again. Because the next time you go back, it’ll 150cedis and you just won’t even understand where it came from.
I always say if I knew crochet yarns will get price like this, I would have bought about thousands of them way back.


It's just crazily crazy to go to the market and then boom, prices change just within 24 hours or more. God will help us. Everything is so so expensive now.


Inflation is world wide. I constantly get bombarded by the Canadian News service that core Inflation is under 3%, it simply is not, it's far more. Everyone I know is harmed by it. The local food banks are constantly running out of food and more families becoming homeless due to expensive rents.


Yes, many people have been affected by inflation and causing a whole lot of tough times for the homeless. It's just frustrating.


We are tired of complaining, that's the voice of many Nigerians. What's there to complain about when changes are not visible?
The recent increase in the fuel pump price will make things rise again🤔
I pity the poor and the less privilege, how they are holding up is what I don't know 🤷
It is well


Complaining does no good because the government is not even interested in listening to the cries of the citizens. No matter how much we complain, we cannot change the situation.

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to keep on striving. It's not like can go to the purchase salt and because the price has skyrocketed, we decide not to buy again. We just have to buy it as the meal will be tasteless without it. That's just how I view the whole situation.

If not for Hive, I don't even want to imagine how it would have been for me and my family all these while. I will always be grateful for the day I joined this platform. It has been nothing but a blessing.


Inflation leads us to spend a lot of work, to work harder and harder and to do a little bit of everything. Imagine living in Venezuela where the monthly salary is 3 dollars, I don't know how to live like that but thank God there is hive to reach out. thanks for sharing this experience.



The rate at which things are going up is so alarming. I have also complained bitterly but there's nothing I can do to stop it. The only thing I could do for now is to cut back on some things in order to get by.



Exactly 💯
Cutting back on our expenses is something that will help too.


Honestly,a lot are tired of complaining and it even causes me headache this days so it's best to just cope instead.

We just have to survive and you are doing just fine. Hive has been helpful and we are glad to have found a platform helping during this hard time.


Yes oo. We can't complain again especially knowing nothing can be done no matter how much we complain. The best is to find something to keep us going and coping. May God continue to see us through.


A lot is really going on especially with the inflation, I don't if and when things will get better, I just pray we are able to live above the hardship.
