The ideal work week for me

The first thing that came to mind immediately after I saw this prompt was how long and great it will be if the weekend starts on Thursday, meaning the weekend will be longer and the time spent in the office will be less even though it will still be a long week.

Who doesn't like to relax more and flex their body so that they will be physically and mentally fit to start a new week? I guess there is no one because once it is Friday morning everyone will be expecting relaxation, which won't last longer than just two days.

The question I always asked even before this prompt was why do we have just two days to relax? Meanwhile, the weekdays will be stressful, exhausting, and tiring, and now all we have to rest is just a whole day because for me, I don't count Sunday as a weekend.

The image is mine and was edited on Canva by me

Since what the majority of us do on Sunday is to get prepared for Monday, probably some will wash clothes and clean the house that they never touched throughout the week; for such people, Sunday is never a rest day. Let's just say the whole Saturday is the only full day to rest.

Having short days at work but long hours is a good idea if only it can work out because no matter how short the day is at work, it will always be stressful as long as it has to do with work.

For me, it would be a good deal if only the working days could be shorter since it would give more of my customers time to make their hair and look beautiful, which means the weekend will make more sales for me than it was before.

But then, if we look at how long the hours are, it is better to stick to five days and shorter hours. Imagine someone resuming work by 7am and then closing at 9pm, all because Fridays have been added to the weekends.

Well, that will be more tiring than the usual five days in the office and two days at home. Even if we don't complain or enjoy the hours, our body would get tired of too much stress because our body needs enough rest to start another day.

When I was working in the factory, we always had three shifts, morning after and night. This shift gives people time to rest, and the weekend work was not even compulsory work, but it was an overtime day for those who worked during the weekend.

Despite the double payment, I find it hard to cope with because the work itself is too hard, and adding weekends to it was difficult for me. Aside from that, it was the weekend I got to attend lectures in school.

The image is mine

But then, the production manager was changed, and the new one wanted to impress the board, so he mandated weekend work for everyone and then changed the shift to 7 a.m.–7 p.m. work.

Some people find it fun, while others can't cope with the hours because it is too long to cope with the work. I couldn't complain because I was just a contract staffer, which means my opinion didn't count, so we all continued working until people started falling sick.

I fell sick as well because I was struggling to balance school with the longer hours of work.
The truth is that it is better to have longer days at work and short hours than shorter days at work with long hours.

Based on my profession now, I wouldn't complain because it will favor me, but when I thought about how tiring it will be for people who work in the office, I changed my mind about the long week and short hours. When someone is tired, they wouldn't even see Fridays as weekends, and my customers wouldn't come to make hair since they are tired; they would want to rest enough to get prepared for another long hour at work on Monday.


I like the fact that you stated that even though it won't affect you, your customers will be affected... I have tried it before and it honestly didn't end well.

I don't think working for four days without proper rest will yield the expected productivity.


Yeah it will definitely affect my customers and once that happens it will affect me too


Desk jobs might be fine with longer hours of work but for those working in manual labor, it would be a terrible time for them if their work hours got extended even if have 3 days of rest.


Such a thing can never be good for people who do manual labor because the stress will double
