The change begins with us


The more we live, the more we see reason to change the world, because there are still some things that shouldn't be in the world.

Truly, the world has developed so much more than what we all used to know but still, the world is still lacking in some aspects. Polluting nature is one thing that bothers me a lot because I know a lot of things are at risk for the human race.

Nature gives us everything and what do we give it back? Nothing more than piling pressure on it.

All the beautiful trees are wiped out because we want to build enough houses on the land, even some animals are not in existence because they have all been killed.

If I could change anything in the world it will be how to stop polluting nature, We all know the importance of nature to the human race and that means we must never do anything to ruin it because we are automatically killing the human race.


Nature provides everything the human race survives on, food, oxygen, water and even man-made kinds of stuff wouldn't have been possible without nature offering us the raw materials needed to do a lot of things.

Let's take gas for instance, crude oil is obtained from nature and it serves a lot of purpose to mankind, the same thing goes for generating electricity. Nature has done more than enough and it baffles me why we humans still put so much pressure on it.

Technology has reached the extent that we can recycle things and create alternatives to ease the pressure on nature but we are considering them because of the money people are making from pressuring nature. Don't get me wrong, I never said getting things from nature is bad but putting pressure and polluting it more after getting what we want is what I would love to change.

I am certain everyone knows the world is experiencing climate change and there are more natural disasters in some parts of the world all because of our actions. The more we dig into nature, the more we will experience these things because it's nature's way of expressing itself.

Recently I watched a documentary where they mentioned animals going extinct. A sick whale was discovered and when they checked, it had ingested plastic waste.

If we look at how much electricity the world uses every day, I always have the feeling that one day we will run out of electricity generated from water. It's not certain but nothing is impossible because we don't know how nature will hit back at mankind.

There are alternatives to a lot of these things we put pressure on nature for. We can generate electricity through solar, This can be a permanent solution but the world billionaires wouldn't want to check that out because they won't be making much money from it.

Once you buy the solar equipment, that's all unlike fuel and electricity that we need to continue buying every day.


It would require me to have a lot of power to be able to change these things but nothing is impossible.
My first approach to correcting this problem is educating people and creating awareness about the consequences of our actions on nature. Earth is our home and as long as 99.9% of the world doesn't have anywhere to go if nature fights back, people will pay attention and heed to warning.

My second approach will require me to have a good position in my country. If I can start making the change in my country, a lot of countries will emulate the style.

4.204 NEOXAG


I really love the topic the change we seek should start from us.

0.009 NEOXAG

Yes if we want change we should also make change as well

0.000 NEOXAG

The bitter truth is that, most of us know these things but we find it difficult to correct because the number of people polluting the environment with 'I don't care attitude' are more the than the people fighting against pollution, hence it becomes tough to obtain

0.009 NEOXAG

Yeah you absolutely right about that because people that are polluting are more than the ones that are cleaning up

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you for this piece. I'm a fan of nature. I believe nature always tries to correct itself when the balance is upturned but the pollution is severe and I hope we'll be sensitive enough to value nature

0.008 NEOXAG

Yeah nature gives us everything we need and still all what we give back is polluting it and make it worse if only people can understand that the more they tamper with nature the more it affects us all

0.000 NEOXAG

This is indeed a nice strategy, CHANGE begins right from the mind, your mindset determines how you change your world.
Thanks for this nice piece.

0.007 NEOXAG

Yes the change we all want begins with everyone of us

0.000 NEOXAG

Nature is indeed the best you have chosen..I ha e seen so many nature scenes a d how they look. Trees are not to be overlook

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah there is nothing as beautiful as nature

0.000 NEOXAG

The pollution has to be one of the major things that stumps the earth and all it stands for. Nature should be nurtured but the selfish tendencies of we humans can get in the way.

0.000 NEOXAG

With the daily deforestation for settlement, construction of industry and releasing of gases, I could only wonder if our nature would be left to rest. Nature is beautiful but we have destroyed virtually it's beauty in search for our needs. I hope people could atleast learn to preserve nature's beauty. Great take on nature

0.000 NEOXAG

Very true, change really does begin from each one of us, If we could all agree to nurture nature and not to pollute our environment,The world will truly be a better place.

0.000 NEOXAG

Nice write-up; nature is indeed beautiful.

0.000 NEOXAG