Understanding the Efficacy of Inward and Outward Beauty


Outer beauty will capture the eyes while inner beauty will capture the heart. There is a popular saying that "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”
This famous saying implies that everyone has their own definition and recognition of beauty. Some people believe that beauty is all about physical appearance, people also believe that beauty our clothing, and the make-up we put on. I say those things are just physical adornments that adds to outer beauty. Beauty is beyond our physical looks, it goes deeper into our inner being.

Inner beauty is of the heart, it’s your personality that has been expressed in our actions and reactions towards others, and our way of life. Inner beauty is the beauty of the heart, which is being selfless, reliable, loving and caring and always willing to help even when we don’t know the person. Inner beauty brings about pure pleasure and satisfaction, it's all about putting smile on other people's faces. Inner beauty brings to us true happiness, which cannot be experienced anywhere. It represents goodwill and kindness.

Real beauty is on the inside and that is more important than one’s outward appearance. outward beauty is important, but we can only be known better in terms of our inner beauty which has to do with our internal features and personality that is based on our emotions, intellect and spiritual qualities. we need to pay attention to our inner beauty because all our deeds and actions are drawn from our inner beauty, our inner beauty convey great meaning to us compared to outward beauty, outward beauty tends to fade away in the cause of time. Inner beauty also signifies the importance of leading us to focus attention on developing and strengthening our inward beauty. It is our inner beauty that has a lot to do with what you offer the world and having a direct impact on the society.

The physical appearance may look appealing to us for sometime but it will expire or fade away, but inner beauty is something that would shine forever and remains in the heart of others for the lifetime, Inner beauty is hard to be erased in the heart of people, I’m not trying to say that outer appearances don’t matter, it does, but what tends to last longer and remains in the heart of many is our inward beauty.

Inner beauty helps us appreciate outer beauty. It's inner beauty that makes someone stay. God made everyone naturally beautiful but outer beauty can attract anyone by its attractive features while inner beauty is the true personality of us. Inner beauty is not in the face but it is the light in our heart. Outward beauty can attract any kind of person, but inner beauty always attracts the right kind of masses. Although Outer beauty has its inner moral sources, but without inner beauty it is hard to maintain healthy connections with anyone, even our family members. Inner beauty is what draws people to you. Without it, no one will want to invest in you on a deeper level.

So our inward beauty speaks louder than our outward beauty.
Thank you.


Outward beauty make people falls in love with you in the first glance, but inner beauty is what makes people stay with you forever. : )


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