My Name, My Identity


Everyone born is given a name, you are identified by the name given to you. But the name you are identified with may define you if you allow and may not, it is all about your decision, your uniqueness is not tied by your name, and you discovering your potentials, with the pleasure derived in the accomplishment of these potentials, this can be done only when you are yourself. Don't let people define you by the name you bear, yes We may have many people bearing the same name, but yours is unique and special, why? because they do not have the same dreams and purpose as yours, you are your self, nobody else can be like you, others who try to be you can never no matter how they try can be like you, you are the best version of yourself, so be the best of yourself. So stop trying to be what you are not, stop trying to please others.

Be yourself, learn to please God first, then yourself before others, set your priority right. What you don't like to do, don't do it. Don't be pressured into being who you are not. Don't allow people's opinions to navigate your life, they cannot be you, they only think of what you should be, you are the best version of yourself.

Don't allow anyone to belittle you, your dreams and future are not the same as theirs, you are the best so continue to be the best, learn to appreciate yourself even when you are not appreciated, be confident in who you are, and how far you have gone. Love yourself, don't let anyone let you feel less of yourself when your worth cannot be fathom. Have high esteem for yourself.

My name is pricelessudy, I am unique, I'm special, I'm smart, my worth is far more than rubies, that is why I'm priceless, i have grown to a point whereby i don't let anyone make me think less of myself.
I grew up with low self esteem, I also think of myself that I'm not good enough, because of what I passed through while growing up, I grew up with the mentality that people's opinion is what really matters about my life so most time i was only a shallow of myself, because i was only thinking about what people think of me and what they will say about me, but thank God for the special friends God brought into my life and they came at the right time, they were able to boost me up through their prayers and advice.
So I don't choose to be what I m not again, I choose to be myself now. That is why I said nobody can be like me, i choose to be myself, because I am the best version of myself. i choose not to be what people think of me. they can only think, but that is not who i am.

I am myself, my name is pricelessudy ❤️.
My name is my identity, what about you?
