Dear Big Sis, Belated birthday


Hello everyone Good evening and welcome to my blogs

Indeed this is the day to celebrate the precious woman, who has been a source of love and care to me, my sister.The little childhood games to the big occasions of adulthood, certainly my sister has been part. I remember the moments of the slumber parties, the endless chatting, the witting and the giggling that still goes into my head. You’re not just my sister, but you’re my pen pal, my counselor and my beacon.

The more years pass, the better I understand that she is just great and I am very lucky she is my siy. Caring for others, listening to a friend’s needs and paying for their lunch makes me want to be a better person. I have always had the luck of having her to run to for a shoulder to lean on as well as someone to share a word of encouragement or even a hug when they are most needed.

Of all the moments we’ve shared in our life, the one that can be considered as one of the most cherished and ιs the one that happened when we were kids. I remember we would waste whole days in dressing up the dolls, sewing clothes for them, and performing for our family. My sister would always be the boss; ordering me and the other siblings around with such determination and flair. It gave me moments that made my imagination run wild and also it instilled into me the fact that there is strength in unity.

Education also played a role by personalities where the bond that we had grew even stronger as we aged. We had started confiding in each other with different issues and aspirations that we have in life. My sister was the person who took the role of a friend and confidant instructing me when things got tough and congratulating me when I succeeded. I recall the night she spent with me preparing me for a very important exam till late in the night or the cheerful smile she gave when I was done.

In today’s post, I wish to stand by her side and tell her that she has got a special place in my life. I want her to be happy , successful and loved in this world. I hope that in this new year she finds new adventures, interesting opportunities and unique moments. May she remain an inspiration and continue to light up everyone’s darkness with her love and compassion.

To my awesome big sister I say thank you. You are the most wonderful friend that I have had, the one,who stood by me through thick and thin, and always enjoyed being with. Happy anniversary! May the years add up as many as you are today, more love, more laughter, and more memorable years together. Happy Birthday, sis!
