The Key to a Happy Home
A lot of us over here in Africa, Nigeria to be exact still do things the cultural/traditional way, and one of those cultural things involves seeing the man as the chief commander of the household. Basically what that means is that the man has the final say at home and irrespective of whether every other person is against it, the fact that he had said it, so shall it be.
Well, while that might have worked in the past, there's something I'm starting to notice from this current generation that are getting married. You see, irrespective of the fact that most men still want to be seen as the head of the family, most of them are starting to realize that the key to a happy home is keeping their woman happy.
So rather than them doing things their own way, they do it in ways that they know would please their woman, even if it doesn't entirely pleases them as men. So it's almost as if the objective is slowly changing from doing everything to please the man, to doing everything to please the woman.
And most people don't realize this because unlike when it was the men getting things done their way by saying it themselves, the women are having things done their way without having to give the command themselves. So it's like people see the man as being in charge, but when you get close to them, you realize that the woman is the one who's really in charge because the husband basically does everything she wants in order to keep their home happy, because if she's happy, then she probably will make him happy too.
Now while this method do seem like something that could work, is it really the way forward, the key to a happy home? Is priortizing the needs of the woman the best way to make sure you also get the maximum form of love back from her?
Because I'm not against it, I actually think that it works better for this modern age and time, although most of our parents wouldn't agree to it.. Also, what's sad most times is that at the end of the day, even after doing all of that, you might end up either getting cheated on or divorced from that partner.. And when that happens, you feel the pain a lot more because this was a woman you literally did everything for to make her happy.
Anyways, my question for the day is "should things continue to be done the traditional way like it always has been, or should men maybe stop putting themselves first and instead put their woman first in order to get the best form of love from her?"
I think trying to please the women is not wrong and it's a smart move but there must be a limit. It's not necessary to please your woman for unreasonable things because it will bring trouble for you in the future.
There has to be a limit to everything because too much of anything is never good.
All this heat of state and authority thing only happens on the internet. My parents have been married for over three decades, and not once have I seen them give off the master and mastee aura. In fact, my dad is the calmer one(he's very flexible and not too keen on the traditional things. He evolves with the time) and their marriage is thriving. It's like a partnership between them. There is no authority battle and all that. I guess it just worked for them.
I actually like that, unfortunately not everyone thinks like that (most especially the men).. Some just feel like they have to be the boss of everyone in the family.