Someone Has to Fall, for Someone To Rise

photo by Thomas Claeys

I grew up in a very religious home, went to church frequently and even slept at the church every now and then. And as a Christian, we were thought to always do things the right way, love one another and sometimes even pray for our enemies. I never really understood that part but yeah, back in the day we were asked to pray for our enemies.

So basically, the general idea of life as a Christian is that we are made to understand that as a Christian, you should always wish good to everyone, irrespective of who they are and what they've done. Of course, we know that is almost impossible to do but that was the general idea.

Well today, I was seated outside with my friend who was charging his phone with a power bank I thought was his, when all of a sudden, one of our neighbours had showed up and requested that he needed the power bank for a few minutes to help charge his friend's phone.

When I saw how quickly my friend had handed the power bank to him, I asked him why he had agreed so easily (knowing the kind of person that he is) and that was when he told me that the powerbank actually belongs to the neighbour, but the neighbour has been leaving the powerbank with him ever since the neighbour lost his phone.

When I heard that, I immediately made a joke of how the neighbours misfortune with his phone had benefitted my friend because he now was in possession of the powerbank until the neighbour gets a new phone for himself.

After I made that joke, I soon realized that what I had said was actually way bigger than the powerbank we were talking about, because you see in life, I realized that most times, someone has to go down for someone else to come up and that's just how life works.

In order for you to get that dream job that you want, someone else has to lose their job first for there to be space for you to fit in.

Now you might be wondering why I started this whole article with religious talk, well that is because most times before we go out for certain things (let's say applying for a job), we pray to God to give us that job. But seeing how getting that job would mean someone else losing theirs, doesn't that kinda contradict the whole "wish everyone well" mentality we religious people have?

And I say "religious people" because this post is in no way an insult or disrespect to Christianity because I am a dedicated Christian, I only used Christianity in this case because it's the religion I was brought up with and the only one I know well... Anyways, I'm just honestly and genuiely curious about this whole thing.

Is it right to want that job knowing it will mean someone else losing theirs, or is it just life, and there's nothing good or bad about it.


Indeed, In most cases, we just can replace a place or position and that means someone needs to fall down from their position. It's indeed a thoughtful thing but it's life and it's the way how life goes on.


So does that mean there's nothing good or bad about it?


Hmm. I think it's normal and nothing is good or bad.


This is far deeper than you have explained, and I get it. I once had a similar discussion with an elderly lady who hoped that her daughter got contracts for a certain job that was already being handled by other people. The more we(her daughter and i) tried to make her understand that the effects on the other persons would be bad, the more difficult it was to get her to understand.

I guess it's the way things work. Someone has to get down from a seat before another can occupy, and it's not always in a good way


But looking at this from a religious perspective, is it the right thing to do? To pray for someone's downfall so that you can go up the ladder?


You and I know the answer to that. It's wrong. It seems to me as insensitive. The other person has needs and responsibilities that losing their roles would shatter. I don't even assume that any religion supports inhumanity - which this is.
