No Knowledge is a Waste


People always say that no knowledge is a waste, but sometimes I feel like they don't realize how wise and true that saying really is.

Last year, a year one student had moved into my hostel. He was an engineering student, electrical engineering to be precise and luckily for him, before he gained his admission to come study the course, he already had learnt a bit of electrical work back at home. So it was like he was here to get the certificate and hopefully gather more knowledge on a course that he wasn't exactly a stranger to.

Well late last year, someone had helped him to secure an apprenticeship at a shop where they do solar installations, and I remember on his first day, I had asked him what his first day experience at the shop was and he had told me about how his boss had decided to take him along to one of the sites he had to work on that day.

photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel

According to him, the boss had told him that normally he would have asked him to remain at the shop, seeing how that was his first day there, but due to the fact that he had showed his boss that he wasn't exactly new to electrical works, the man was impressed and saw him as more of an asset than a liability, so he had done the one thing he normally doesn't do, he had taken him along with him on his very first day of coming to the shop.

Now if you're wondering why I'm telling you guys this story, well yesterday, I had spent most of my day at my friend's shop where he works at a barber. And in that shop, he has a secretary whose job is to record how much haircut he makes for the day, so that when they do the account to balance the books at the end of the day, everything goes smoothly.

So basically, all she does is just sit there all day and write down stuff every now and then. To me, she basically does next to nothing there and I felt that rather than her just sitting there all day, she could use that free time to gather some extra knowledge and learn how to cut hair instead.

photo by Agustin Fernandez

So rather than just sitting down there, it would be best for her to stand right next to my friend who's the barber and pay attention to what his doing...and the best part about it all is that she wouldn't have to pay a dime to learn it. As a matter of fact, she would be the one getting paid.

Well, I had gone ahead to pitch the idea to her and as expected, my friend was on board with it too but sadly she wasn't. Probably because she felt that as a lady, she shouldn't be cutting hair or something like that.

Anyways, it's things like this that just tells us how we let opportunities pass us by sometimes, because if there's one thing I know for sure, it is that as a lady cutting hair in a student dominated area, she surely would have a lot of customers, especially if she's really good at her job.

But yeah, I guess it just wasn't for her.

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Knowledge is power and nobody knows when and how it will help us. But still, I don't believe that every knowledge is effective and there are some knowledge that are waste depending on lifestyle.

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Depending on the moments bro.. Personally, I don't think I need a reason to learn how to do swim because I never go close to water that can drown me.. But I never can tell where I can find myself tomorrow and just might need that swimming knowledge that I probably learnt just for fun.

Yes, there are some knowledge that you might never get to use, just learn them first if you have the opportunity to.

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