Conversation helps...

photo by Harli Marten

Personally, I feel like every man and woman who yearns for something better in their lives ends up feeling depressed every now and then, and sometimes this yearning doesn't always have to do with money, it could be about your feelings, school or whatever.

I've experienced a couple of those this year, each new experience worse than the last one. And sometimes, I don't even know what to call it, if it's depression, moodswings or just me feeling some kind of way.

And what's worse is that I don't even know what gets me into this kind of mood, sometimes I just wake up in the morning feeling this way, sad. And if there's one thing worse than having a problem that you don't know the cause, it is trying to find the solution to that problem. Because how do you do that, how do you fix something when you don't even know where to look?

So at first, I decided to do the one thing I felt I could do, I became vocal about how I was feeling. I would go on my WhatsApp status and just write about stuff, sad stuffs and it didn't take long before people started to notice that the once fun-loving guy was now a sad one.

So they would come to my dm, asking to know what the problem was but like I said, I couldn't find the proper words to explain it, so I just told them that I wasn't feeling too well and it would pass, an explanation they seemed to be okay with until they realized that it wasn't going away anytime soon, so few of them became really concerned and complained about the kind of things I was putting out there, the sad contents, so I stopped because although I was unhappy at the time, I hated being known as the sad guy.

And then I went back to square one, keeping things to myself all over again. That wasn't helping but it was the only thing I could do because keeping it to myself meant I was the only one who knew how sad I was and I knew that the last thing I was going to do was call myself the sad guy.

Luckily for me, I was able to find some kind of solution to it. You see, mobile phones and gadgets has so much influenced us that we no longer see the need to do simple things like going outside to have conversations with people, because something as simple as that has a lot of power in it and that was exactly what I did.

I spent more time in the midst of people rather than being alone and I saw myself forgetting about how sad I was because the people around me were making me happy, and before I knew it, the whole sad guy thing was all behind me.

And now, that is all I do whenever I feel that way. It might not work immediately because I still feel like shit when I eventually do have to go into my room and be alone, but it never lasts for long.


Sometimes I also feel sad without any kind of reason. But like you say making conversation with friends make things lighter.


Yeah it does.. It helps take your mind off things.
