Another relationship saga

To be honest, this really isn't a relationship saga, it's just something that kinda amazes me because if no one had told me this, I probably wouldn't have known.

photo by Domingo Alvarez E

Earlier today after we were done with my hostel's clean up (because it's Saturday and we clean up the hostel every Saturday), myself and the boys had decided to go do a little bit of exercise, we had gone into our school field to play football. And while we were there, some girls from my hostel had come to join us because apparently they also wanted to play too.

Somewhere along the line, a conversation about relationship was brought up, which really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone because that's all these young folks talk about these days. During that conversation, we had started talking about communication in a relationship and how important it is to always talk to your partner, even when they're at work or somewhere away from you.

I was agreeing to everything these ladies were saying until one of them had a comment concerning texting your partner. She had said that as long as you're in a relationship, you always have to chat with your partner everyday. When she said that, I had expected someone to object to it but to my surprise no one did, by no one, I meant none of the ladies, instead they all were nodding their head in agreement.

Now I don't know about you guys, but having to chat with someone everyday on the phone kinda seems a bit extreme, especially for my kind of person. You see I'm the kind of guy who really isn't big on texting or communicating with anyone who isn't standing right in front of me. So if you're away from my current location, I would hardly text just to chitchat unless I have a reason for texting.

I might try to do it for a couple of days, but there's absolutely no way I'm texting someone back to back for a month, not to talk about a year or years (depending on how long the relationship lasts). And for those of you who might object to what I'm saying, I have a question for you, what are you lots talking about everyday for 365 days?

And yeah, I know that if someone loves you, then they have to make time for you all the time, which is fine by me. I'm not saying I'm not going to text you when you text me at random, I will, but don't get upset if I end up not responding to your text on time or the whole day because don't you people have work to do?

Anyways, I honestly hope this isn't one of the criterias to being in a relationship because if it is, I'm in deep shit.

And lastly, please stop making these rules and forcing everyone to live by it. Just do what works for you and not what someone else says you have to do.


what are you lots talking about everyday for 365 days?

Hehe. People can talk and no topic is needed. But most of the topic is pointless and those are for wasting time. I don't like it either.


It amazes me to be honest but I guess that's what happens when you're in love.
