Another Church Service - III


You can read the first two parts here

So it's literally day eight of me being at home with the family and it just seems like they want to make sure I do all I can do for them before I go back to school. Today being Thursday was another day for our church weekly services and if I was in school, I know I wouldn't bother attending but I'm not and one thing about being at home with my dad is that he still does the whole "My roof, my rules". So I had no choice but to wake up as early as 6am today to get ready for church.

Photo by Aliane Schwartzhaupt

If you know me very well or you read my blogs, you'd know I'm not a morning person. Most times I start my day around 10am and that is me waking up early, other times it's mostly around 12pm. So me getting up by 6am was a really huge deal for me and I thought it was going to be an impossible task at first but it turned out that the fear of the father is the beginning of wisdom.

So I got up that early, took my bath and got dressed for church. I got a little bit excited when I was told that it was going to be a one hour service. Anyways, we got to church a bit early and waited for service to kick off and when it was time, we realized that the church drummer wasn't in church and that was when everyone unanimously agreed that I go play the drums. Now I said it here in the past that I'm a terrible drummer, like I feel embarrassed when I play the drums because of how terrible it sounds.

But the church needed me so I said yes and went to play the drum. By the way, I think I have to state it out there that this was a really small church so everyone kinda knows everybody in the church and that was how they all knew I used to play the drums before I went to school.

Well I sat down, picked up the drumstick and just played from my heart with my eyes closed. My eyes were closed for probably about ten seconds and when I opened it, the first face I saw was that of my brother, the man was shaking his head in disappointment. He almost killed my self-esteem, but it wasn't like I could just stand up and leave, so I ignored him and continued playing. If he felt it was so easy, he should come try it.

I've made up my mind though, I'm going back to school before the next Thursday service (the main drummer comes every Sunday service) because I really don't want to do that again, I'm not a drummer.
