A Week of Loneliness


Sometime last month, one of my phones got spoilt and it felt like my life was placed on hold because I had all of my stuff on that phone. That was the phone I used in doing most of my works and when it got spoilt, I had to gradually install some apps on my previously abandoned phone and slowly regained some things saved on the other phone.

Photo by Hal Gatewood

I remember asking myself how I would cope if I found myself in a situation where I had no phones or computer to work with and it's like I'm back to the stone age.

The thing is that we've all gotten used to some tech like our phones and computers to the extent where we now feel we can't do without it. Some people will say that a week without their gadget is literally equal to a death sentence. While that may be true for some people who obviously don't value their lives, it shouldn't be like that.

A week without my phone and computer would be a very difficult week for me, no doubt but I will survive. The boredom and loneliness would be on an all time high, that's for sure. But that is when I'm the only one without my phones and gadgets.

If it happens that somehow, mysteriously, that the world wakes up to not finding their phones and other gadgets, we will all find a way to continue living our lives because there was a time when none of this things were in existence. People would come out more and interact with other people and before you know it, you're making new friends and enjoying their lives.

I feel like the only time when it will be hard on me is if I happen to be the only one without my phone and computer for a week, then it would feel like hell because what will I do when my friends are all on their phones and I'm just there, hoping that someone pays attention to me just so that I can get rid of this boredom.

It would be a difficult week, that's for sure but I will survive nevertheless.
