A boy can dream, can't he?

One of my really close friends started work recently, and he was the one guy who was always at home with me and and makes me not feel bored or alone all the time. And that is because there are three kinds of people over here at my hostel, the ones who go to school in the morning and gets back in the evening, the ones who aren't students but go to work and also comes back in the evening, then there is the internet fraudsters, who stay up all night to defraud people and then sleep all day, due to the different timezone.

But in as much as these are three different sets of people, they all do have one thing in common, which is that they're never around during the day. So majority of the time it's always just me at home, focusing on work. And when I'm done with work, I lay down on my bed and just try to sleep, or do any other thing as long as it's indoors...

And this is because back in the day whenever my dad didn't go to work, he would always make sure that our home was quiet during the day and that none of our neighbors knew he was home because he understood that the daytime is the one time where you should be working and not just lazing about doing nothing. Also, if something should go wrong in the compound, everyone's first suspect would be the guy who's always at home, and no one wants that.

Anyways, all of this boring afternoons used to easy for me to cope because of my friend who didn't have a job at the time and I would occasionally go spend time with him in his room. But now that he does have a job, I find myself back to square one, which is trying to keep my mind busy until evening.

Now I know I say it like it's a bad thing, but it's not. Recently I've started using all of this free time to learn new things and also think about my life and what direction I want it going at. It was during one of this thinking sessions that I had asked myself one question that I can't seem to get off my mind ever since.

photo by Annie Spratt

On tiktok, there is this content creator who travels round the world on his motorcycle and is basically just experiencing life to the fullest, with nothing holding him back.

Whenever I watch any of his videos, I always feel like experiencing something like that, at least once in my life. And back then, I had a lot of excuses why I couldn't, school, family and all sorts of things..but looking at my life right now at this moment, none of that is currently holding me back anymore.

I'm done with school and my family no longer controls my every step that I take, so I basically could go anywhere at anytime, freedom to the fullest, and yet I've refused to take it. What's crazy is that I don't even have to travel far, I could go to places in the same state and just spend a day or two there, before going somewhere else..you know, take time to really get to know this state and just live life.

At least have fun stories to tell the guys of my adventures when I eventually do come back home. But yeah, knowing myself, all of that dream will probably end here, unless something changes and I get that motivation.. But till then.
