My 1st Birthday On Hive💖🎉
Hello Hive people!
It's have been a year since I joined Hive. Right in front of my eyes how fast I've completed a year😃
This one year journey have been like a amusement park's ride, full of fun, a bit scary and taught many lessons. A lesson of getting highs and lows in your life, a lesson that taught you if go down then don't be sad because soon you will upgrade😊
I would like to pay gratitude towards all Hive Bloggers, who supported me and have been a part of my Hive journey😊.
I'm so glad that one year before the decision I made of starting my own blog was the best decision because everyday I got to learn so many new things that always encouraged me and gave a rise with new ideas✨
Being a school student I could not kept myself too much active, share posts and explore more but yaa whatever I post, I do it with all my heart and enthusiasm💗.
I hope my journey on Hive be consistent just like a straight road but yaa sometimes potholes that come, I will also face them firmly🧿💗
Thank You for Reading✨💗