FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out"



«-Hive Stats-»

"Hive RichList by effective HP"

🔝Click on the headline, go to the site and click on the HIVE column header at the top framed in the graph🔝

"Hive Internal Market"

"Hive Witnesses"

🔝Click on the headline, go to the site and place your mouse pointer on the "black icon" next to their usernames🔝

¿Who of them is currently in Power Down?

¡Click -»HERE«- to go to the site, enter your @username and check your witnesses votes!

"Hive Engine Tokens"


«LEO RichList»

«ZING RichList»

🔝Click on the headlines, go to the site, select any HE-Token you want and enjoy the opulence🔝



🔝I know you can choose Hiveblog, PeakD, Ecency and other UIs for this. So for the headline I chose a better link.🔝

Well, I am well aware that for this fascinating illustrated fomological tutorial I may have forgotten or overlooked some graph, chart or statistics that you need to know. But in any case, I suppose that for now I have already provided you with enough information to explore and offer you a highly entertaining trip. And therefore, you just will have to...


And if after this exciting journey through the Hive blockchain so far you really think that I have really forgotten or overlooked something that you should know. Well, then just tell me and maybe in a next post I will add it. Since as you should already know, things are almost never what they seem. Especially with the A.I. and the DeepFakes hot on our heels.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf

