The Quantum Financial System from Space...


Talk about Pennies from Heaven...

There will be Dancing in the Streets...

Our Electronic Coinage is going to be World Wide...

I'll be using my Common U.S. Coinage to get in on the Ground Floor of "Electronic Coinage"...

Electronic Coinage will be 100% backed by Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Coins"...

We're currently using Fiat Dollars that have already lost (in my opinion) more than 99% of their Spending Power through inflation of the fiat money supply...

The Central Bank Owners managed to turn our Stable Coinage into Change for their Fluctuating Debt Notes...

Commodities tend to Fluctuate in Value, due to Supply and Demand...

I consider "Bars" of Silver and Gold, to be "Commodities" that Fluctuate in Value...

Currencies backed by Circulating "Coins" will be "Stable" and are far better than Currencies backed by Fluctuating Commodities, sitting in a Banks Vault, in the form of "Bars"...

Silver and Gold "Coins" are Monetary Tools...

What I want to see happen, is a return to "Stable" Monetary Tools...

Yes, even our Paper Coinage will remain Stable...

Our Electronic Coinage will remain Stable...

Our Common Coinage will increase 100 Fold in Spending Power and remain Stable...

They will remain Stable, because they will be 100% backed by U.S. Precious Metal "Coins"...

They won't be backed by Silver and Gold Bars, hiding in a Bank Vault, which I consider to be "Commodities"...

I came up with a Monetary System that remains "Stable"...

Not only that, but I was able to figure out, how to pay off the National Debt in an "instant"...

This includes the "interest" on the National Debt, all the Financial Guru's said couldn't be paid...

Paying off the National Debt, will allow us to get rid of the Federal Income Tax, since we will no longer need to pay the "Rental Fees" on the Fiat "Rental" Dollars we've been using...

Trust me when I write that being Debt Free is a very good feeling...

Knowing that "We the People" own the "Rights" to all U.S. Coinage is an "eye opener" to say the least...

Also, being aware of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate away from Fiat Dollars is very helpful to know in advance...

Now comes the "Standard Message" I made for my Posts, so I won't have to keep repeating myself...

Below will show the Precious Metal Weights and Face Value Measurements of my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

Our Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and Common Coinage will be in "Perfect Balance" with the Face Values "and/or" the Precious Metal Weights of our "Collector" Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coinage...

We the People will have "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coinage, along with our "Collector" Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coinage...

No U.S. Coin will be Denominated with a Face Value higher than $100...

Collector Coinage and Metals, will be sold with Premium Prices...
Below is a list of what I'm hoping will be our New Product Line of "Circulating" Gold and Silver Coins...

A one ounce $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

A half ounce $50 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 5,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

A fifth ounce $20 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 2,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

A one ounce $10 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 1,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

A half ounce $5 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 500 of today's Fiat USD's...

A fifth ounce $2 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 200 of today's Fiat USD's...

I guess I should include our Common Coinage while I'm at it...

This Box contains $1,000 in U.S. $1 Coins that will have the Spending Power of 100,000 of today's Fiat USD's, on the other side of the Reset...

A $1 Coin will have the Spending Power of 100 of today's Fiat USD's...

The 50 Cent Coins will have the Spending Power of 50 of today's Fiat USD's...

The 25 Cent Coins will have the Spending Power of 25 of today's Fiat USD's...

The 10 Cent Coins will have the Spending Power of 10 of today's Fiat USD's...

The 5 Cent Coins will have the Spending Power of 5 of today's Fiat USD's...

And the One Cent Coins will have the Spending Power of 1 of today's Fiat USD's...

Next will be our Paper Coinage for those of us who like carrying and using Folding Money in our Wallets...


Our Paper Coinage will be Denominated from One Cent to One Hundred Cents, which helps to understand how the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate will take place, with "no loss" in Spending Power...

Our Electronic Coinage will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to our Electronic Dollars and Cents...

One Hundred Decimal Cents will have the Spending Power of 1 of today's Fiat USD's...

Other Countries will have the option of using their Currencies or our Currencies...

I personally think our "Electronic Coinage" will be a Big Hit, all over the World...

One thing's for sure, U.S. Electronic Coinage will be "Stable" and will not "Fluctuate" in Value from Moment to Moment...

I'm okay if you like Cryptocurrencies, as long as you're okay with Fluctuating Values...

To me, Cryptocurrencies act in the same manner as "Commodities"...

Commodities are constantly Fluctuating in Value, due to Supply and Demand...


Now that I got that out of the way, what would you be interested in finding out...???

I love Questions, because I'm always Surprised by my Answers...



You received an upvote of 90% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!


Hahahahha pennies from heaven, good one brother. But honestly the whole idea of using backed coinage for stability is pretty cool and very practical. It could definitely offer a fresh approach to currency. Like you told me, a stable currency is better than a strong one


I don't mind a Strong Currency when it's owned by "We the People"... Being owned by the Central Banks does concern me...


well said big brother you're absolutely right on this


You taking the reset to another level eh ? 😂


I haven't done anything except write about it... I never know what I'll write... I can't take any credit at all... I just heard President Trump mention paying off the National Debt... No Income Tax on Tips... I suppose I do have to take a little credit for writing it down and editing all my typos and missing


Yes....the Quantum Financial System. QFS

As Bleujay understands is ready to go.

Maybe as you say...any day now.

Cheers, Bleujay


As far as I'm concerned, it can't happen fast enough...
